Part 1

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The year 964

"War, this is all they new,it was a dark era ,blood of dozens of good men was spilled on the ground of the battlefield. peace at the time was nothing but a rumour and noise,hate and fear,all at the same time roamed the land.
And then he came, novius, or as people knew him in that time,the savior. Who knows how much more dead bodies our sacred ground would have seen if he wasn't there.
It is told that he ,alone,by his bare hands,moved a giant boulder which blocked the Lighthood Pond from leaking so the three rivers could be born.
The three rivers raged down the land, flooding and erasing everything in their path, separating the land to four regions. Many men weren't lucky nor fast enough to escape from that beastly flow and a lot of them died. Few corpses were carried to the shore and few stayed hidden, buried beneath the raging water of the three rivers.
Even though many people died it is believed that it was the only way to stop the war. Since then the four sides of the river evolved separately building strong independent communities and yet never forgeting their shared past on the battlefield.
Novius though, had blamed himself for killing these men, saying that he could have find more gentle way to end the war. They say he never forgave himself for killing those people so he fled to the mountain range, never to be seen again. Some say he died, some say his soul raised into the heavens, and some might say that he..."
A strong sound of big metallic bell cut the professor's speech. The professor was a tall old man with white beard that ended in his chest area. He had a kind face with few scars going down the left side of his face.
"Well it is all we have time for today, I'll see you all next week" the professor said as he moved the heavy door that separated the classroom from the rest of the bell tower building. The building was nothing spacial, an old stone tower with a huge bronze bell coverd by a stone cone at the top. A young man in the beginning of his twenties skipped lightly down the spiral stairs in hope that he would catch up with the professor. his name was Chlore Rightwell, he always liked the professor's stories and very commonly had long discussions about them with the professor.
"So old, yet so quick on his feet..", he mumbled as he came down to the end of the stairs and looked for the professor in the croud of the people that were outside the bell tower; arguing, buying things, fighting a bit,every thing you would expect from a market. There were a lot of old man in the market that day, many of them could be mistaken as the professor from their backs, the professor once told Chlore that it is very much possible in this era of time with today's medicine for a man to live up to 50 years maybe even longer and as much as Chlore didn't find it possible, these old men and women were a solid evidence for the professor's words. It was the time of the sunset, the round light source, the king of the skies, kissed the top of the famous highway hills in an angle that spreaded pink light on the kingdom's ground, this was the magic of Larnion. As Chlore gave up on finding the professor for the day, he decided to go to what he called "home", a room sized wooden house not to far from the cliff that by Chlore, had the best view of the western river in the whole land. Chlore usually walked through there on his way home, he liked to hear the sound of the river's deadly stream that was told to be strong enough to cut off one's finger if he was foolish enough to try to dip it inside the river's water. And at that exact spot, as the moon started to shine upon the land, stood the professor, staring down the cliff with terrified face. Chlore as always walked home through that place and when he saw the professor standing there, he increased his walking speed in order to get faster to the professor but when he came closer and saw the look on the professor's face he slowed down, he never saw the professor like this before and by the look of his face he was really worried about him.
"Is everything alright professor?" Clore asked, getting closer and closer to the professor, the professor didn't reply. As Chlore arrived near the professor he understood why the professor was so terrified and pale, mostly because as he looked down the cliff he got that same look as him. Under the cliff lied the west river, one of the three rivers that separate the kingdoms and guarantee the peace between them,the one that can cut your finger off in a blink of an eye, motionless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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