America's Presidential Debates.

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So if you live in or near America you know about the debates going around about Trump and Hilary. And how Freaking Annoying they are. Honestly I would make a better president. Trump wants to build a wall and Hilary has been connected to some murders. Like WTF? Are you serious? Murders and confidential emails on your at home email address? Come on Hilary. I mean I'm 14 but can I run for president? Trump isn't at all better. Like he said he could stand in the street and shoot someone and not lose any votes. Um I hate to break it to ya Donald but you would and you would be sent to jail. But because you are rich you would just buy your way out. This debate might as well be between Lockheart and Umbrige. Ok but why can't I be president? Like I have world changing ideas. Like  Free public transportation. Or a Nocturnal society. Like seriously I'm in the eighth grade. I could possibly get the most votes. Because I would be the smartest. I have dumb logic. Hence I could confuse the crap out of the other candidates. I would be able to deflate their smart logic with my dumb logic. Like seriously #milkchanforpresident2016

Ok I'm done for now. Bye bye
~Milk-Chan ✌️

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