Fantasy Land

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Inspired by Fantasy Land 2013

Katy’s POV

The moon was smiling at us; maybe it’s glad that we survived one of the most difficult situations our family faced. The baby inside my Auntie stomach is alright, my grandfather is better now. And I passed the first semester without problems… 2.5 and up. So is my cousin.

Now we’re in a land where everyone is as happy as we are. Fantasy land, it was an empty lot until a rich doctor made it a fantasy land. It’s open to everyone who wants to enjoy the bright lights and different fantasy characters, such as Santa Claus.

It’s just at back of his house; I can even see the backdoor behind a Santa Claus stand.

“This place is wonderful! Wonder if our house could have something like this?” my cousin Leo, exclaimed as we’re touring around.

“Yeah sure, as if grandma would want a lot of people meddling with her stuffs!” I giggled as I said it.

“If she’d hear you, you would’ve been spanked!” he joked.

“Katy --- dear? Could you take Karl with you?” my mom asked. “He wants to go and have a picture there.” Then she pointed at the stand where you could look like Santa Clause if you stick your head out. I nod in response and grab my brothers hand there,

“Hey Leo, could you take our picture?” I asked him,

“Eh? I thought only Karl wants it?” he said with a grin, his teasing me again! I slapped his arm and took the DSLR out of his hands. “HAHAHA, Katy got pissed so easily!”

“Yeah, stop enjoying yourself!”

“Why? Isn’t that the purpose of this trip?”

“Oh just quit teasing me!” Ugh! I can’t help but get frustrated when his around, I even avoid him at school. His presence annoys me! Gosh! Since we were a child, he’d always tease me. And little old me never change, I get pissed all the time.

“Hey sis! Look at this!” Karl caught my attention, as he was pointing at the guy with red hat and shirt. “It’s Santa Claus!”

“Eh?” Isn’t he a little too thin to be Saint Nicholas? “Karl, I don’t think that that’s Santa.” He frowned when he heard me said it. I also frowned; I don’t like seeing my baby brother sad. “Okay, you wanna take a picture with him?” I asked with a big smile, and then his face lifted. Ah, my brother is so cute!

I walk to the guy, and tap his shoulder. He faced me, I got surprised. I thought … well actually I didn’t think he would be at the same age as me. I didn’t even think about how old he would be. And he looks good too; with a Santa’s hat and red shirt. Gorgeous brown eyes, kissable lips and…

“Yes Miss, do you need something?” he said. Then I went back to reality and out of my dream land where I thought he was my Prince Charming--- anyways!

“Ah --- nothing, I must’ve mistaken you for someone. Sorry!” Gosh Kate! That’s embarrassing! I went back to my brother who was wondering why Mr. Charming (this name is very appropriate for him, cause he is charming) wasn’t behind me.

“Sis, where is he? Doesn’t he want to take a picture with me?” Karl asked with sad eyes, I bend my right knee and held his face,

“I’m sorry baby, but Mr. Charm--- Santa is busy right now. Some other time, perhaps?”

“Ah, but you said he’ll have time to every kid that’s been good! I’ve been good!” he said teary-eyed. Man, this kid remembers well,

“Well yeah, but maybe not today.” I stood up and grab his hand. “Let’s go back to mommy, alright?” he didn’t respond, seems his disappointed. I let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Karl, but it’s really embarrassing. The guy might be mistaken that he’d say ‘I have a liking to him.” I don’t want that kind of impression!

“Look Sis! There he is!” I heard him say, and he came rushing towards a guy, 5 meters from us. “Hi Santa!” he called.

“Hey Karl, slow down!” I said. His dragging me, and yeah his strong for a six year old! “Karl!”

“Hey Santa Claus!” he called out which caught the guy’s attention, and turned to face our direction. “Hey… “Oh no! His disappointed again. He slowed as he got closer to him. “You’re a lot better than Santa!” he said. He said what now?! “Look Sis, isn’t he charming? Like one of those stories you’ve telling me?!” my eyes broaden. Fudge!

I turned to face the guy, he was smiling at me. Fudge!

“Hi mister! I’m Karl, I’m sorry I thought you we’re Santa. Because of that hat!” my brother said,

“Ah, that’s why you approached me. I thought you liked me and got interested.” Then he flashed his killer smile at me. What a straight-forward douchebag! “Hi Karl, my name’s Nicholson.” He knelt down and mess up Karl’s hair.

“Wow! Your name is similar to Santa! Cool!” my brother sounded amazed. If I could see his eyes, I know it’s sparkling.

After the tour around (for the second time), Nicholson bought us cookies and hot chocolate. Then they sat on a bench in front of the wall of the Fantasy castle (designed with lights that formed the seven dwarfs, Mickey, Donald, Goofy and other cartoon characters). If I could only take a pic--- oh wait! I could, I have the cam. Hahaha,

I stood away from them, where they couldn’t notice me of course. They’re just talking and giggling anyway. Ah… mom would’ve been happy seeing his son smile. My brother has been crying since he saw grandpa lying on the floor. Grandpa had a heart attack, and it was traumatic to Karl.

After a few shots, I went back to them,

“Karl, we need to go back now.” I said.

“Ah… can we bring Nic with us?” he said.

“What?!” I can’t bring him with us! They would think me--- I--- him.

“Oh… I think your sister doesn’t want me to.” He said with a disappointed tone.

“Ah? Sis---“

“No! I don’t mean that way, it’s just that---“my family is very malicious.

“It’s okay.” Then he smiled at me. “It’s been a great time hanging with you Karl.” He messes up my brother’s hair again, then… “I’m sorry; I didn’t get your name.” He said when he turned to me,

“Ah… It’s Katy.” Gosh! Why am I feeling warmth in my face? “Let’s go?” I asked my brother and lend him my hand.


After four steps, he called…

“Kate!” tug.dug.tug.dug. “Can I have a picture with you?” tug.dug.tug.dug. My hearts thumping so fast! I hate this feeling! But I also miss it. Haven’t felt this way for a long time now. And every time I do, it’s always in Fantasy Land.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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