Have we meet before?

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It started out like any other day for Bella, wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to Rikki's Cafe. She always met Cleo, Rikki, and Will there. "Hi" she said as she slid into the booth with the girls, Will usually had training till 9:00 and it was only 7:45 so they talked. "I wanna tell Will about my tail" Bella said, "have you ever told anyone anybody about your know your tail" Cleo asked. "It can go badly" Rikki said, remembering when Zane found out {in the episode with Dr. Denman}. "I've never told anyone, other then one boy" she said drinking her smoothie. "Who and why" Rikki asked starting her interrogation, "I didn't really tell him, he sorta found out by accident" she started "my family docked their ship near another boat in the shallower parts of the water in Fiji" "their was a boy on the ship next to us" "he had blond hair like Will's and his eyes looked like Will's too." "We became great friends he'd ask me to go swimming all the time but of course I couldn't he would've seen my tail I felt bad lying though." "But one day I went swimming and he saw me when I came up for air" "I tried to swim away but he was already just a few feet away. As my last resort I dove under and swam as fast as I could, I hid in my secret spot between 3 rocks. But he found me, he looked like he'd seen a ghost. I started to cry, I thought he'd scream and run away. But no he simple put me in his lap and stroked my hair. It was like he only saw me not my tail, he said "it's okay I won't tell anyone for as long as I live. Then we swam for a little while, and the day he left he said "I love you and I swear I'll never tell" he led me away and we kissed it was like every glance and touch, had been magnified. And I never saw him again. The last thing he ever said to me though was if fate let us met once then destiny will let us meet once again" Bella finished. "Aww" Cleo said even Rikki responded with a "cute." Will happened to be walking in as she looked up. She was hit with pang of realization. "Do you remember his name" Cleo asked, "Will" She said "I've got to go bye" Bella said grabbing her bag and running off. She realized that Will was the boy she met. She knew his running route and figured he'd be by the town square by now. She started running, her adrenaline kicked in and she practically flew. She reached him and said "can you come with me for a minute?" She asked "can we run there?" He asked. "Sure" she said and led him to Lewis's secret fishing spot. "Come on" she said and ran faster, "okay" he said almost passing her. Bella stopped and said "be careful," "okay" he responded still slightly confused. She slowed down and then slid sideways through 2 rocks, he followed suite. "So have you ever been to Fiji before" she asked "ya" he said "when I was like 12 it's where I met my first crush," Bella started to cry. "Did I say something wrong" he pulled her into his lap. "Will what was her name" she asked "Bella {he's answering the question not asking her why},why" he asked confused. "What was the last thing you said to her?" She asked. "If fate let us meet once it will let us meet again" he answered, she cried harder. It hit me this is the same Bella! I realized they were tears of joy!
Bella's POV {ps this is only gonna be like 5 sentences cause I don't do POVS}
Before I knew it I was being carried in to the ocean by Will. I got wet! "Will drop me quick" he ran a little deeper and half dropped me my tail ways a ton and didn't know if you'd be able to hold me up." And once again she was in his lap.
All for now,
Mermaid in Paris

Ps. This is only a two shot unless of course I get some reviews! R & R tell me what you think! {Nice things only}

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