CHAPTER TWO: The Beginning

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It all happened when I was only seven years old. My parents thought I was too much of a hassle to take care of so, they decided to take the easy way out and put me in a foster home. They told me that they were going to go to the store and they were going to  leave me at a friend's house. They told me they'd be back soon so, I waited all day but they never came back. I still have dreams of waiting for them I guess my inner self still misses them, even though I'm too prideful and say it out loud.

The first foster home I was in was really nice, and sweet, probably because I was really young. One of their kids didn't like me, and I kind of beat them up. Yeah, I don't have the best temper.

The next three foster homes were all the same, the mom was terrified of her husband and the husband was always drunk. All three of those foster homes I beat the "man of the house" up and almost went to jail a few times. It's so annoying how they were all literally the same. No escape, no hope, just survival.

The foster home I had before this was one was so amazing! The  were parents were beautiful! But, they have like three kids. It wasn't the parents that made it bad it was actually the kids. I went to school with all three of them they were all in all of my classes, and they bullied me. It was awful! There was one, named that I thought I trusted but everything I told her at school she would just talk to everybody it was always really embarrassing things like who are like 10 the teacher her I didn't like and I said a few bad things here and there about some teachers, like how i wanted to kill one of them. Like I said, bad temper.
This gave me trust issues, and I was really quiet at home. I hated it so much, so I decided to get some revenge on all of my siblings.

Tonight I will take them all get together and do weird like they talk about teachers. They thought were hot. I tried to tell people about it you know to get some revenge but didn't really work and they didn't believe me so one night I decided to put a camera in there and record them.

It was after school on Friday. I ran up into the room where they always and I had my video camera. I turned it on and waited for um, I had it in a really good place where they would never think to look.

I was so eager to see what they would actually talk about because I don't really hear what they're talking about, just a little I think he's hot here and there you know.
So after they had all gone to their own Alyssa, that was her room, went to the bathroom so they gave me an excellent opportunity to get my camera back. I looked over the video was gold! They talked about who they like so they didn't like and while I couldn't believe it. They were so two-faced.

I really wish I hadn't uploaded that video on Instagram. That was the worst decision of my life. I remember how my life was and think "I could have just lived with it. I could have just power through it and, maybe even just havevtold the parents but no, I just had to do that didn't I. Why don't i ever think about things before I do 'em?!"

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