the Ghost King and the Sea Prince

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Nico hunched into a ball, listening to his iPod on shuffle. At the moment, it was playing 'Still Into You' by Paramore and he couldn't help but ache as he was reminded of Percy with every lyric and he he couldn't deny that he was into Percy, mo matter how much he wanted to. He gulped down his feelings and switched songs. Ironically, 'Goodbye Bear/ Love Me Dead' by Ludo started playing in his ears. Nico couldn't help but smile. This song was nonsense, but still good. It made him laugh, anyway. "Hey, di Angelo." Nico must've vaulted ten feet in the air when he heard someone speak right next to his face. Once he calmed down, he turned to see Percy laughing hard at his expense. "It was not that funny," Nico defended as he took out his earbuds and stashed them in the pocket of his ever-present aviator jacket. "It kinda was, man. Your face was priceless," Percy said as his laughter died down. Nico only rolled his eyes as Percy settled in next to him on the grass. "Why are you always over here by yourself?" Percy asked bluntly after a time. "I have zero social skills, if you haven't noticed. Living creatures aren't my thing."

"You seem fine around me." Percy nudged Nico in the side with his elbow. "Well, you're different," Nico explained, then cursed himself. Now he's gonna wanna know why. Fuck!

"Well, how am I different? I'm a living creature." I totally called that. "You're Percy. I've known you forever and you're just... Different," he finished lamely. "Different."


"How different?" What?

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Um... I heard something about you having a crush on a guy and..." Oh my gods, I swear on the River Styx Jason will pay dearly for this! "Did you hear which guy?"

"No, that's why I'm asking..." Percy looked down at the ground, obviously feigning interest in the blades of grass directly in front of him. Nico, here's your chance... Do something!!! "Why are you interested?" Smooth, di Angelo. "I mean, if it's me, that's cool and all, but I kinda... I'm curious."

"And if it is?" Percy looked up at Nico, green eyes, locked onto Nico's brown ones, for a half second before Nico (after a steadying breath) caught Percy's face between his hands in a kiss. Percy responded instantly, wrapping his arms around Nico's waist and pulling him closer while deepening the kiss. Nico hadn't expected Percy to actually allow this, much less kiss him back, so the fact that Percy was now licking Nico's bottom lip, asking to be let in, was a huge shock. Nonetheless, Nico opened his mouth eagerly, earning him a hum of appreciation. This being Nico's first kiss, he had no clue what to do, so he merely imitated Percy's actions with his hands tangled in Percy's ink colored hair. After a moment, Nico felt Percy's arms unwind from around Nico's waist to go under his jacket, one hand going up the back of Nico's thin black tee. Nico kept one hand at the back of Percy's head while the other went back around to Percy's shoulder, slim fingers squeezing lightly. Nico's head was spinning. He couldn't fully wrap his brain around what is was that he was doing. He was actually making out with Percy! He wasn't dreaming, this was real. Along with something else being very warm and slipping under the waistband of Nico's jeans. That pressure brought Nico back to reality somewhat. He was straddling Percy with his tongue down his throat in the middle of the camp! At that realization, Nico (although he hated himself for it) pulled away from him. Percy moaned softly in protest, pulling him back in. "Percy, we're... We're in... Public..." Nico managed out as Percy merely shut him up with more kisses. "So?"

He makes a damn good point. But Nico was never one to be public about anything, so he tried to protest, but it didn't exactly work. So he just went with it. What else could he do?

"Oh my gods." Nico pulled away to see Rachel Elizabeth Dare standing not far behind him, with Hazel and Annabeth, all wearing matching shocked expressions. Nico climbed quickly off of Percy's lap, anxiously fixing his hair, eyes downcast. Percy, however, wore a triumphant smirk on his face. "I didn't think you had the balls, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told his with a touch of respect. "I told you I'd get it out of him." Ok, what? It was obvious to Rachel that Nico was lost. "Jason spilled the beans to Percy and told him that Percy could never get you to admit it. But Percy did. You knew Percy was into you, didn't you?" All Nico could do was shake his head slowly. "Did you ask him?" The question was directed at Percy. "I was about to when you guys rolled up."

"I could tell from the way you were sucking his face that was what you were about to do," Annabeth said sarcastically. Hazel remained silent, obviously shocked by what she had seen Nico doing. "You... You... You're... You... But... You... You're... You..." Was all that came out of her mouth. "Hazel..." Rachel started gently, but was cut off by Hazel storming away. "I'll go talk to her," Rachel said as she walked off after her. Annabeth gave Nico a strained smile. "Sorry about that."

"No, its fine. I know how she feels," Nico said softly. Percy pulled Nico closer absentmindedly, setting his arms around Nico's waist protectively. "Well? Ask him, already," Annabeth prodded, smiling encouragingly. Nico looked back at Percy. "Ask me what?" At that, Percy took a steadying breath and asked, "Nico, will you be my boyfriend?" Nico stared at him blankly, waiting for him to yell 'Syke!' But he didn't. He looked at Nico expectantly. Nico gulped down his doubts and nodded with a smile. "Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend." He heard Annabeth barely contain a squeal. Rachel walked back to them, sans Hazel, wearing a purple shirt that had a skull and cross tridents bearing white block letters 'Ghost King and Sea Prince'. Nico cocked a brow at it. "You guys have been my OTP for years. Don't judge me." Percy smiled and shook his head. "Shippers."

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