Chapter 1

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"Zoe? Hey Zoe!" My best friend, Ashton, yelled getting me out of my amazing daydream I was having.
"Ashton! Why did you wake me from my daydream?" He looked at me as if I were crazy.
"The bell just rang. We have to go to our next class so you're welcome." He said with a chuckle and walked out the door leaving me to walk out by myself.
"Hey Zoe." My other best friend, Eden, said as I walked out the door.
"Hey Eddy." Ashton and I call her Eddy even though she is a girl. She seemed to get used to it after a while.

We walked to class together and sat in our seats right before rang. So the teacher walked in and started her boring lecture about geography or whatever class I'm in right now. I don't even know.
"Zoe?" I looked up at the teacher. Dang. I knew she was gonna call on me.
"Describe Photosynthesis to the class."
"Ummm... Photosynthesis is where photos are synthesized." I said and people snickered making me slouch slightly in my seat. I looked over at Eden who had just face palmed because of my sorry excuse of an answer.
"I'm sorry Zoe but that is incorrect. Maybe that will teach you to actually pay attention in class." The teacher said.
I shrugged. "Maybe it will teach you to make the class a little less boring." There were more snickers.
"That's it. Detention." She said with a sigh. I huffed and went back to doodling in my notebook. I'm not gonna end up being Prom Queen if I get anymore detentions. I better be a better student. I straightened my posture slightly and began somewhat taking notes.

School lunch. An unhealthy version of restaurant food where the meat is fake and the salad is flimsy. My favorite part of the day. I sat with Eddy, Ashton and a few other friends that I have. Our table was the best spot in the whole cafeteria. It was right next to the bathrooms and the lunch line.
"You should come to the mall with us today Ashton. It'll be fun." Eddy said.
"I would but I have football practice. The playoffs are coming up soon and I wanna be ready." Ashton explained. Then we heard a noise coming from the boys bathroom so we looked over and two big boys from the football team, Tom and Brady, come out with smirks on their faces which made me quite concerned. I looked over at Ashton and he looked just as concerned.
"What do you think they did?" I asked.
"It better not be what I think it is." He answered before standing up and walking in the bathroom.
Ashton has always been one of those guys who would stand up for you even if you are the geekiest person in the whole school.
Within a minute or two, he walks out with a boy whose head is completely soaked with, I'm guessing, toilet water. They talk for a moment and then walk over to our table. The boy sits down next to Eden while Ashton sits back down where he originally was sitting.
"Who are you?" Eddy asks.
"I-I'm S-Sam." The boy said quietly. Must be the shy type.
"I'm Zoe and that is Eden but we call her Eddy." I replied.
"Don't call me Eddy." She said to Sam and he nodded swiftly.
"So why are you soaking wet?" I asked.
"T-Tom a-and Brady g-gave me a s-swirly."
"How clique." I muttered handing him a napkin to help wipe his face off.
"We should give him a nickname!" Eddy said excitedly.
"G-Great. Another o-offensive nickna-ame." Sam said as he laid his head on the table.
"It won't be offensive. We give all of our friends nicknames. That guy over there, his real name is Kevin but we call him, Stud." I said pointing at the guy sitting next to Ashton.
"Y-You guys w-want to be m-my friends?" Sam asked. The three of us nodded which made him smile slightly showing off his blue-banded braces.
"Awe. Your braces are so cute on you." Eden said. He blushed and looked away quickly.
"Your nickname is gonna be... Jellybear." I said triumphantly. Ashton and Sam looked over at me as if I were insane.
"I already get beat up enough. Can't it be something more... you know? Normal?" He said with out stuttering.
"You didn't stutter!" Eddy pointing out making him show is braces again.
"Fine... how about... Skinner?" I suggested and he nodded happily.
"I'll call you Jellybear when we are alone." I whispered and he rolled his eyes but looked genuinely happy.
"So Skinner we're going to the mall after school. You wanna come?" Eddy asked.
"I would but I have Science Olympiad after school."
"Why is it that everyone else is involved in after school activities other than us?" I asked Eddy and she just shrugged her shoulders and laughed.
"Because you two are lame?" Ashton said in a mocking tone.
"Rude." I muttered and he shoved me lightly. Eden turned towards laughing.
"Do you know what happened during Biology today?" Eddy asked Sam. He shook his head looking a little interested.
"Don't you dare tell him. He's a Science genious. He'll think I'm stupid." I said in a joking manner.
"What did you do?" Ashton asked looking very amused.
"Do you know what Photosynthesis is?" Eddy asked Sam. Which was a 'duh' question.
"Of course I do. It's the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, using energy from the sun and chlorophyll." I looked at him with wide eyes. It's almost as if he was reading a dictionary definition.
"Well. You wanna know what Zoe said for an answer?" Then she turned to me. "Do you want me to tell them or do you want to?"
"You can." I mumbled, picking at my food.
"She said it was 'where photos were synthesized'." She said bursting into a fit of laughter and for the first time Sam laughed too which made me and Ashton laugh along with them. His braces were in full show which was so cute. But then Tom walked up to us and Sam immediately stopped laughing and looked down at his lap playing with his fingers.
"Ashton. What are you doing hanging with this piece of sh*t?" He yelled angrily. I slammed the table hard and stood up. He was about a foot or two taller than me but I didn't care. No one says that about one of my friends.
"You listen here, fat bucket of lard. You do not say that about one of my friends. Especially not Sam. He didn't do anything to deserve this. What did he do to you? Get better grades than you? Even I can do that!" I yelled making him jump slightly. "Now leave him alone before I rip your head off." I said all sweet and nice. He walked away awkward and confused. I stood there in triumph. 'I'm an amazing person.' I thought to myself.

Name creds: My bestie Zoe!
I don't describe the characters very much in my books but that's mostly because I want to give you the right to choose what the characters look like. If you want me to describe the characters then tell me. Comment and vote if you want me to keep writing this book!

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