Chapter 15

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Your pov:

I quickly got out of the bed and took a shower. I got dressed and combed my hair. I put on my timberlands and cologne. I walked out of the restroom and saw Camila awake on her phone and she looked up and saw me "Hey" I said and she smiled "Hi" she said and put her phone down "where are you going" she said "I was gonna go get breakfast and just walk around the city" I said as I grabbed my phone "oh ok" she said "Wanna come with me to get breakfast we can come back and take Gizmo on a walk at the park" she nodded and I sat on the couch while she got ready. I hope she doesn't bring up What happened last night. Once she was ready Gizmo was still asleep so I let put water and food in his bowls since we won't be gone that long. We walked out of the hotel and we started walking to the nearest place to eat. I saw a Denny's so we walked in and ordered. We sat down in a booth and she just looked at me "Y/n can we talk about you know us last night" she said and I mentally groaned not wanting to talk about it. "Um yea what about it" I said looking up at her and I saw her bite her lip "Do you regret what happened" she said and looked down "no but did you" she looked up "No of course not I love you and I wouldn't want it with anyone else" she said and I just nodded "I wonder if Dinah already did it with Nela" she said and I choked on my soda and looked at her "what makes you say that" I said and she looked at me with sad eyes "Well Nela would always say how much he always wanted her but you know in bed and he didn't until you dated Dinah and she was so I'm love with you until you caught her cheating on you with him and you dated me and then he said he finally had her but I think he meant it as in he finally had her in bed with him" she said lowly and I just looked at her "Dinah wouldn't do that" I said and our food came and I waited for the waistress to leave to continue our conversation "Maybe she thought that since she didn't have you she still had Nela and didn't think at that time and made a mistake or not but I don't know" she said and I just nodded and started eating my food. Once we finished I paid and we left to the hotel to get Gizmo.

I opened the door and grabbed Gizmo's leash and put in on his collar and we walked to the park. I had his leash in my left hand and Camila was holding my right hand. We walked around the park for Gizmo to use the restroom and we finally sat down on the bench. We started talking and Gizmo kept barking so I put him on Camila's lap. I felt my phone vibrate and I saw that I was put in a group chat.

Lolo 💚: Wassup Bitches

Allysus🙌: You better take that back before I throw my bible at you and drown you in holy water.

Fuckboi Sebastian😂: Ally did Jaxson get you pregnant you had been very moody/emotional and hungry.

Jax😑: Your stupid Sebastian she isn't pregnant.

Allysus🙌: shut up and no I'm not pregnant.

Lolo💚: fine I take it back but where's Dinah and Ricky. Y/n and Camila are obviously together and Mani is with me so where they at.

Fuckboi Sebastian😂: Ricky is on a date with Gissele according to their snapchat and Dinah is in Hawaii remember.

Arnny💪: Dinah is dating Nela so she probably didn't go to Hawaii.

Player Y/n🔥: why is she dating him AGAIN.

Lolo💚: I sense jealousy 😏😏

Player Y/n🔥: Why would I be jealous if I have Camila with me.

Allysus🙌: I hate that Nela guy so much I would snap his neck but he doesn't have one.

Jax😑: 😂😂 Damn babe you have no chill today.

Fuckboi Sebastian😂: SAVAGE 😂😂

Lolo💚:😂😂 she's on fire today

Player Y/n🔥: and cannot be stopped 😂😂.

Allysus🙌: I'm done for today 😂😂

Player Y/n🔥: Ok well I have to go me and Camila have to go back to our hotel room our baby is hungry

Allysus🙌: BABY?!

Player Y/n🔥: yes we have a baby together.

Lolo💚: How

Lolo💚: Did y'all fuck or adopt

Player Y/n🔥: I just what my text read and it was supposed to say our baby DOG. And it's none of your Damn business Lauren.

Allysus🙌, Lolo💚, Fuckboi Sebastian😂, Jax😑: OH

Player Y/n🔥: yea now I have to go bye.

Allysus🙌, Lolo💚: Fuckboi Sebastian😂, Jax😑: Bye

I put my phone away and I grabbed Camila's hand and we walked to the hotel. Once we reached the hotel we went straight to our room and I jumped on the bed and laid down tired. I heard Camila laugh and I felt Gizmo on my back. "Gizmo get off" I groaned and Camila took him off of my back "There you big baby" She said then laid down next to me. It was only 3pm and I groaned "Im bored and tired" she laughed and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her next to me. I slowly fell asleep and I heard the tv on so she was most likely watching tv while I was sleeping on her.
*2 weeks later*
I felt someone slap me awake I looked up and saw my girlfriend smiling at me "Yes?" she laughed lightly "We just landed hurry up I wanna go home and lay down with you" she said and she let go of my hand. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got up and fixed my hair. We let everyone go first and once the aisle was empty we got out and I kissed her and she pushed me off "Stop come one let's go your parents are waiting for us at home" she said and walked off the plane and I followed her. I caught up to her and held her hand and kissed the back of her hand. We walked to get our suitcases and when we got them we walked out with our suitcases and then went to find Gizmo since he grew over the 3 weeks and he couldn't go on our laps and then we went to the parking area and walked to the elevators since I parked my car on the 4 floor. I found my car and I put our suitcases in the back. I grabbed gizmo out of his cage and put him on my girlfriends lap. I drove out of the parking area as my girlfriend was snapchatting us leaving the airport. I grabbed my girlfriends hand while I was driving.


Should I finish this story in a few more chapters and do a sequel just that in the sequel they are almost done with College and around the age of 23


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