Part Eight

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Part Eight

Nicky got off the elevator in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel and walked down the hall, past the big corner suites, 1738, 1740, 1742 and continued until she came to the door of a smaller room and knocked. 

One of the KGB men opened the door and recognized Nicky from the university. She winked at him and opened her coat slightly, revealing a low cut blouse. She slipped long, delicate fingers into her push-up bra and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. 

The bodyguard took the bill and said, "Canadian?" 

"The consulate sent me, so Dr. Berezin would be... relaxed for tomorrow, he travels to Ottawa." 

The bodyguard put the money in his pocket and started down the hall, saying over his shoulder, "The money should always be American." 

Nicky watched him walk down the hall, around the corner and out of sight before she went into the room. Berezin was standing a few feet back from the door already wearing his boots and overcoat and he said, "Your Russian is very good." 

Nicky said, "Quickly, we don't have much time." 

They took the stairs and Nicky led Berezin through the underground shopping concourse towards Central Station but then took him out a side exit to Rue Mansfield and into a waiting car. 

Berezin was stunned, it had happened so quickly. 

Colourful neon lights of downtown reflected off the car's windows as it sped away. 

Nicky said, "Doctor you reek of fear, relax." 

"I am trying." 

Nicky pointed towards the south, the ironwork of the Jacques Cartier Bridge crossing the St. Lawrence River and said, "We are less than forty miles to the United States border." 

Berezin shook his head slightly and leaned back in the seat. He looked out at the storefronts and the people on the wide sidewalk and said, "Yes."  

Nicky saw the mannequins in the window of Holt Renfrew in their silk robes, the orange light flickering from the fake fireplace and she said, "You will be able to buy whatever you like Dr. Berezin, all the silk you want." 

He didn't say anything and Nicky said, "Even a car like this one, a Buick." 

Berezin said, no, and turned to look at Nicky. 

"That is not it at all." 

Nicky said, "Women, too." 

"No, you don't understand." 

"I don't?" 

"It's not about money, it's not about the accumulation of... things." 

"What else is there?" 

Berezin turned in the seat to look at her and said, "Freedom." 

"I heard your speech." 

"That was edited by someone else." 

"Of course." 

"You Americans, you have it so good you have no idea what it's worth." 

"How much it's worth fighting for?" 

"Yes, you may mock me if you like, you don't know what it's like to give your work, your life, your soul to be a part of something that crushes so many, that..." 

The car turned a corner and stopped suddenly. 

Berezin said, "Why are we stopping here?" 

The door beside Berezin opened. He looked out and saw the gold sign on the gate, "Consulate of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." 

Nicky said, "I don't mock you, Dr. Berezin, I pity you." 

Berezin said, "Fuck you, cunt," as he was pulled from the car and dragged into the consulate. 

A moment later Victor leaned into the car and said, "Well done." 

Nicky smiled a little and said, "There is a room at the Queen Elizabeth, paid for." 

Victor climbed into the car saying, "And empty," and Nicky held his face and kissed him.

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