About Legion's Choice

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Welcome to the Legion's Choice, and thank you for your interest!

⚜️About the Legion's Choice⚜️

This is a collaboration competition, in which you will be assigned to a team, and in your group you will write a story based on our round prompts.

⚜️How this will work⚜️

- First we will open up applications for those interested in joining.
- After we have enough applications, they will be closed. We will sift through them and fairly assign everyone to a team. We will also pick out leaders for each of the teams.
- The leader of each team will create a group staffroom/ chat so all the members will be able to communicate with each other. This can be on or off of wattpad - however, must be verified and watched over by one of the legion's members.
- The leader will also create a group account on wattpad, on which the story can be posted. Whether just one person from the team or all the team members have access is up to you, but the leader will be in charge of getting the account sorted.
- As soon as everything is set up the round prompts will begin. Each round a different team member will have to write a chapter, and they may pick one other team member to do minor edits (spelling, punctuation, grammar etc) on their chapter.
- After all the rounds have been completed we (the Legion) will judge each collab story. We will post the results in this book, with the announcement of first, second and third places. Prizes will be available for all the winners!

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