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Aries - the guitar. This sign is very individual and a this instrument is a perfect manifestation of aries' energy.

Taurus - the bass, it fits perfectly with the earthy and stable energy of the taurus.

Gemini - flutes. These resonate with the essence of this breathy sign. They also capture the playfulness and buoyant nature of the gemini.

Cancer - folksy instruments like the banjo or the fiddle. This sign makes us think of home which fits perfectly with these instruments because they make you feel comfortable and at home.

Leo - the drums. There is something rather loud about this sign, they aren't called the lion for nothing. They also capture the primal and dramatic sounds of the leo.

Virgo - the xylophone. This sign loves challenge and precision and this instrument proves to be an ample representation of the virgo's energy.

Libra - the piano. It fits perfectly with the balanced and delicate nature of the sign.

Scorpio - the violin. There is something mysterious and powerful about this instrument that goes well with the alluring quality of the scorpio.

Sagittarius - brass instruments like the trumpet. These instruments capture the verve and spirit that the sagittarius has.

Capricorn - the pipe organ. This instrument goes well with the formal and established energy of the capricorn.

Aquarius - the synthesizer. It resonates very well with the electric and revolutionary quality of the sign.

Pisces - the harp. This sign speaks to our need for enchantment and therefore goes perfectly well with this instrument.

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