Mirror image

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The truth hurts the lies worse. How can I give anymore?

The faint music from the next room occupied my empty thoughts as my attention lingered over the stillness outside. The truth hurts? How can the truth hurt? I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

“Kiara, Kiara”

“Kiara Robertson!”

The loud and continuous mentioning of my name brought me back to my senses. The peeved look on Mrs Grace’s face welcomed me as I focussed my eyes on her.

“Just to make it clear, this is Biology class not daydream class okay?” I nodded as a response.

I switched my attention to the girl at the far end of the room. Kahlia’s deep dark dangerous blue eyes were fixed on me. She sneered and mouthed one word; shame.

Before I could even respond I heard my name being called out again.

“Kiara and Kahlia, come up here please,” demanded Mrs Grace while gesturing her hand towards the front. A loud grunting noise escaped Kahlia’s throat as she walked. I made my way up the front and stood as far as possible from her.

Ever since I moved here she made me experience hell on earth. Seeing her enraged me! Her face reflects bitterness, hatred and envy.

“Okay Year 12, we are doing an experiment on how genetically different or similar can two unrelated people be.” I rolled my eyes as Mrs Grace’s words entered my ear.

"If we look closer we can see that Kiara and Kahlia have the same blue eyes. Is blue eyes dominant or recessive?”

“Recessive” Kahlia and I answered in harmony, filling the room with our voices.

“Good, we can also see that they have very distinct similarities. They share the same coloured hair, same body built, same height and also the same face shape,” added Mrs Grace while circling around us.

Hearing this made me cringe. I glanced at Kahlia, her face was painted with aggravation. It never really occurred to me, all I ever noticed was our differences. No matter how much I hated her, I can’t hide the fact that we do have a lot of things in common.

“Driiiiinnnnnnnng!” the school bell bellowed to life. I sighed in relief. Kahlia hurried and stormed out of the room. I made my way to the exit but something caught my attention. I saw an object from the corner of my eye.A notebook. I quickly grabbed it and scanned the room to make sure no one noticed me.In my hurry I lost grip of the notebook. It made a sound as it reached the floor, almost unnoticeable. A picture of a family greeted me with their smiles. Four faces that glowed. Faces that looks familiar.

 The scene before me left my mouth hanging. I can’t process what I am seeing. This can’t be right, this is all a huge mistake. I closed my eyes and pinched myself, hoping I could wake up from this nightmare. Frustration, anxiety and distress flooded through me. I exited the room and sprinted. I held the photograph in my hand, I can feel the fire burning inside me. I spotted Kahlia. I ran towards her and mumbled.

“What is this? Why do you have this?” Kahlia raised her eyebrow and replied with a puzzled look in her face.

“What! Have you lost your mind?”

“This!” I shouted while pointing at the photograph. Kahlia’s eyes widened. Her face reminded me of a predator looking for its prey. She snatched the photo from my grip and yelled.

“How dare you!”

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

“Answer me Kahlia, are you adopted?”

“Why does it even concern you? Stop interfering with my life!” barked Kahlia and took off.

“Hey!” I called out as I scrambled to catch up with her.

“Stop following me if you don’t have anything important to say!”

“If this is what I think it is, then it is important. Very important.”

“Spit it out! What is it?”

“You need to answer my question first. Tell me, are you adopted?”

“Ughh” Kahlia groaned.

The only thing I wanted to hear come out of her mouth is the word no.

“Yes I am! Happy now?”

I felt like the whole wide world fell on me. I can’t believe this is happening, this is all surreal.

“But, but” I paused “Please tell me this isn’t real”

“This is real Kiara! Now tell me, what in the world are you on about?”

I dared not to talk. I couldn’t find the strength to.

“Kiara! Tell me”

I grabbed my wallet, pulled out a photograph and handed it to her. Kahlia’s face changed in a blink. I saw emotion. Hurt in her eyes. She began to weep. This is all too much to handle. Two photographs slipped from her hand and found their way to the ground, two photographs that are mirror image of each other.

All I want to do is run and isolate myself forever. They were right. The truth does hurt. It hurts a lot.



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