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Eating at the table with just Jace was rather awkward. It felt like I couldn't really sit still and he didn't look as if he were enjoying it either. As I took another bite of the salad that I had piled into my bowl, I chewed slowly before I glanced up at him and decided it was definitely time for some conversation. Honestly, Jace and I never really talked all that much unless Zak was around to help ease along the conversation. The most I knew about Jace was that he'd been with the gang for many years, he enjoyed guns and handling them, liked to spar with people –usually because he could kick their as- and had a bit of a sweet tooth, oddly enough. Other than that, I didn't know him at all.

"S-so... Um," I winced as I tried to put together a coherent thought for us to go off of.

"What is it?" his voice was sharp as he stabbed at his chicken, tearing it apart with the knife and then put it in his mouth.

"I..." with a sigh, I rolled my eyes. What the hell, might as well take the plunge. The worst that could happen was he got mad at me, which was often anyway so why not, "You don't like me very much do you?"

Jace stopped, his gaze lifting from the plate to look at me in what I could only assume was shock, "The hell? Where did that come from?"

"Well... I mean... You're always getting mad at me, and you don't like talking to me, and then there's Tristan..."

Jace sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, "Dude. I get mad at everyone. I don't like to talk to anyone, and as for Tristan, that's none of your business."

I gulped a bit, "So then... you don't hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?" Jace asked, flustered as he shook his head, hands hitting the table rather hard with each eating utensil between his tightened fists.

"U-um... I... don't know."

Jace stared at me, his green gaze hard. I didn't think he was buying that at all and it was proven to be as he spoke again, his voice sharp with irritation, "You do know. That's why you're telling me this. Why do you think I hate you? Don't make me ask again. I really hate repeating myself."

"I... I'm sorry, Jace. I just thought that it was because of Tristan," my fingers dropped my fork and I put them in my lap where I intertwined my hands and wrung them together.

Jace watched me for a long while, taking in what I said and then shook his head with a heavy sigh. He looked off to another part of the room for a moment before he returned his attention to his food as he sat across from me at the huge dining room table. Jace cut the chicken and took another bite. I was pretty sure he wasn't going to answer me, so I turned my gaze down to the salad and went to continue eating.

"I can't control how Tristan feels. If he likes you, he likes you. That's fine and its none of my business. I don't hate you for it. I don't hate you at all, Valkyrie. It' just... Seriously why the hell are we having this conversation?"

I glanced up at him and noted that his face was flushed red as he glowered at his chicken. I stared dumbfounded at him. No way! I thought as I watched him. He was redder than a beet across his face as he stared intently at his chicken with a look on his face like he wanted to throw it across the room. So, in essence, Jace just didn't know how to express himself? Which resulted in his falling back on being 'angry' with everyone and coming off as an ass. I gave a soft laugh.

Jace looked up from his place, his eyes narrowing at me, "What?"

I shook my head, trying to contain my giggles which were growing in intensity, "N-nothing... pfft!" I sputtered and then doubled over the table, my hand on my mouth as I tried my hardest to stifle the laughter.

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