Chapter 14

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Kim Min Mi's POV

It's finally my last day in the hospital, I've been here for two weeks and it's been painful but today I feel a lot better than before, but there's a problem, I can't walk on my own so I either have to use a walker or a wheel chair because my legs are weak.

I was laying in bed while Baekhyun was sitting in the chair caressing my hand while watching tv. The doctor suddenly came in with a couple things to say to Baekhyun. Baekhyun stood up and walked to the doctor to talk to him.

"Annyeong Dr. Jin, is Kim being discharged today?" Baekhyun asked.

"Ne Mr. Byun, but she will be needing a few things before she goes and I will give you my number because if Kim has any episodes of difficulty breathing and if she is in excruciating pain you need to dial this number and bring her to the ER immediately." Dr. Jin said.

"Ahh, ok thank you Dr. Jin" Baekhyun said while shaking Dr. Jim's hand.

"No problem, the nurse will be in soon to take out Kim's IV and bring things that she needs to take home." The doctor said.

"Alright, well thank you for everything Dr. Jin, it really means alot." Baekhyun began to tear up as he was relieved hearing that im getting discharged from the hospital today.

"Your welcome Sir, take care and Kim get better soon." Dr. Jin said and bowed 90°, Baekhyun did the same.
The doctor left the room and Baekhyun went crazy XD he was so happy that I was getting discharged.

Me and Baekhyun waited for the nurse to come back to the room to take my IV out and give me the medication and things I need to leave with.

The nurse came back to take my IV out so I can go down to the lobby to get discharged.

"Alright Mrs. Byun your already to go." The nurse said

I smiled and a tear fell from my eye and Baekhyun grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.

"May we get a wheelchair man?" Baekhyun asked the nurse.

"Of course, I'll be back with it." The nurse left the room to get the wheelchair for Kim.

Fast forward to when we got home.

Baekhyun told the other Exo members that I got discharged from the hospital and he put Chanyeol in charge of the surprise party.

"Jagiya take your time, don't rush." Baekhyun told me.

"Arasseo, I wanna sit down though jagi." I laughed and we finally got to the door.

Baekhyun opened it and turned on the light and there was all 11 members of Exo standing with gifts.

"Welcome home Kim!" They all said in sync.

"Oh my God, thank you guys." I began to cry and Baekhyun walked me over to the couch.

"D.o can you make Korean BBQ?" Baekhyun asked him.

"Yes of course, Suho come help me." D.o told Suho.

Suho walked over to D.o and they began to cook dinner.

"So... Kim how was the food in the hospital?" Chen asked me

"It was kinda good and kinda gross." I said and chuckled.

"Were the nurses hot?" Lay asked. Everyone looked at him with a 'really' face including me.

"What? I just wanna know if there were any hot nu- ouch!" Lay was cut off from D.o smacking the back of his head. I giggled.

"Sorry for Lay's naughty behavior, did the doctors tell you what's wrong with you and how it all happened?" D.o asked with a concerned tone.

"No, they still didn't find out what's wrong with me, and it's scaring me." I said and began to tear up.

"Ok guys enough with the questions I'm gonna take Kim upstairs, make yourselves at home" Baekhyun said as he helped me stand up.

He walked me upstairs which was a bit hard, we finally got to he bedroom and Baekhyun slowly sat me on the bed and told me to stay sitting up so he could go grab my pjs from downstairs in the laundry room.

I began to feel myself tip backwards and I ended up plopped hard on my back which caused me to scream in pain. At that point I was completely out of breath because I had shortness of breath and I was breathing very quick.

I tried to roll over to sit myself up but all that did was make me fall on the ground causing me to cry from the pain the went through my organs and chest.

I was laying on the ground crying for a good two minutes then suddenly....









Mianhae for the late update, I've been caught up with school work and chores, I haven't really had time to update my books but don't worry more will be coming.
Thank you all for the support.
Author Kim♡

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