chapter four

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Li Dian shakes his head at Yuan Shu's brisk words.

"He's right though. Man...I hate fighting," he grumbles morosely. He calls for his horse and mounts it in one swift motion, heaving his large weapon onto his shoulder. It never occurred to me just how strong Master Li Dian must be, to wield a weapon such as that so expertly.

"You are still very good at it," I blurt. Li Dian casts his gaze down to me, his expression softening in an instant. He chuckles for a moment.

"Thanks for saying that, Lady (Y/N). You really are too kind!" Yue Jin nods vigorously before mounting his own steed.

"I must agree with Lady (Y/N) on this as well, Master Li Dian. You inspire me to hone my own skills." Li Dian blushes at the compliment, a cherry blossom pink spreading across his cheeks. Against my own will, my brain's first thought is: cute.

" guys are really too much. I'm flattered though, Yue Jin, Lady (Y/N)." I finally mount my own mare, bringing her to a trot next to Li Dian's horse.

"Please, milords. Just (Y/N) is fine," I tell them. My palms start to sweat for some reason as I anxiously switch my spear from hand to hand. This is probably the first time I've been anxious for battle in a while.

"Well if you're ditching the formalities, La- ahem, (Y/N), just call me Li Dian."

"I don't mind if you call me just Yue Jin, (Y/N)."

What have I done in this lifetime to deserve such well-mannered men? This is the complete opposite of what I was expecting.

"Why the hell are you still here?!" Yuan Shu hisses shrilly, before he gives Yue Jin's horse a firm smack on the rear.

"Whoa!" The horse rears it's head backward and bucks a few times. Then with breakneck speed, it bolts out of the base, with Yue Jin furiously trying his best to keep himself mounted.

"Yue Jin!" Li Dian and I exclaim at the same time. He spurs his horse into action and chases after his comrade, with me close on his heels.


We're quick to meet up with several officers of Liu Bei's and Sun Jian's as we ride to Sishui Gate. Along with minor warlords and their retainers here and there, it's a quick work of things as Sishui Gate appears in the distance.

"Heads up!" Li Dian shouts out of the blue. I jump to the side instinctively, narrowly missing a blade on Li Dian's wheeled halberd. While my life isn't taken, the lives of other soldiers are. Within moments, the area is clear of enemy soldiers and I lean heavily on my spear, out of breath and panting. Yue Jin unties the ribbons of his headband and shakes his head wildly from side to side, almost like a wet dog. Turning my attention back to Li Dian, he seems to have leveled his focus on a warrior under Gongsun Zan, a man who responds to the name Zhao Yun. He hacks away at the foot soldiers, making it look like no effort at all as he wields his spear brilliantly.
"I think I'm in love..." Li Dian sighs, shifting weight onto his other leg. Both Yue Jin and I shoot a questioning glance at him. He catches Yue Jin's eyes, then mine.

"D-don't pay any attention to what I'm saying!" Li Dian stammers quickly.
Amidst our temporary breather, we spot a carriage among the dwindling chaos. The horses are trying their best to make it to the gate as quickly as possible and I immediately realize the people throwing aside coalition soldiers in order to escape to Luoyang.

"After them!" I order. I will my legs to carry me faster towards the caravan before something heavy slams against my side and checks me to the ground. I roll a few feet in the dirt, then look up to see my assailant.

"Traitor!" Lu Bu barks. He then raises his weapon above his head preparing to end me.
"Bastard...!" I groan as I roll out of the way of a fatal blow. I try to move as quickly as I can to my feet before he attacks again, but my visions spins dangerously and the ground won't stop moving. Lu Bu swings his halberd at my neck, but before it can connect with flesh and take my life, a bald man with a massive axe intercepts the blow.
"(Y/N)!" Yue Jin and Li Dian are at my side in an instant. I stumble over my own feet in an attempt to balance myself...but Li Dian is right there for me to fall into his arms. I try to push him away, but give up as I need a moment to regain my senses.

"The carriage...!" I gasp angrily. Lu Bu did something to my ribs...It's getting tricky to breathe. Yue Jin nods, seemingly understanding. Li Dian helps me to my feet, pulling one of my arms around his shoulders and looping an arm around my waist.

"Can you walk?" He asks and I've never seen him look so concerned.
"Yes! I'm fine!" I grumble, trying to distance myself. My first battle in the Wei army and every one is going to remember me as the damsel in distress. A catapult atop the cliff above us destroys Sishui Gate. Despite the rubble, several Dong Zhuo soldiers push the carriage through the debris. I can see Diao Chan and Dong Zhou on its tail.

"They're getting away!" I shout, anger coursing through my veins.
"Let's wait for Lord Cao Cao-" Li Dian starts.
"Forgive my irrationality," I snap, whirling around on unsteady feet. "But I'm not letting that disgusting pig elude the clutches of death this time! This is probably the last chance I'll have of avenging my father!" I call for my mare, and as she begins to speed past me, I grip her dangling reins and swing myself up onto the saddle. As I ride to Luoyang, I hear Lord Cao Cao's voice call my name in the distance, and I realize I'll have consequences to face at the end of the battle for disobeying a commanding officer. But the stakes are too high. This is my last chance.

"Um Lord Cao Cao?" Li Dian asks timidly. With a shake of his head, Cao Cao sighs and waves a hand toward demolished Sishui Gates.

"Go after her," he orders. Li Dian doesn't waste a heartbeat.

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