august dumd ass

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Chyna Pov:Does this bitch ass nigga think he going to get me back bruh is dumb asf
Convo starts:
August:babe what wrong.
Chyna:(chuckles)August you really think I'm about to stay with your hoe ass and what be your little hoe him.boy you got me fucked all the way . But now you don't got shit to say bitch man go suck my left nut by.
Convo over
I just walked out and left his ass speechless because I'm done with his shit on some real nigga shit. While I'm walking my phone go off playing(freak hoe by future) so I answer it of course I answer
Convo starts:
Pop :chyna where you at !!!
Chyna:dang pop you almost bust my damn eardrums but I'm walking to my car pop
Pop:oh OK I thought something happened to you babygirl but anyway come to the traphouse uh and daedae said bring them some hot wing bye (hang up)
Convo over
So I'm walking to my car wen somebody grab me and turned me around to be face with august ugly ass so I pushed him and ran to my car and hop in my car and drove to the hot wing place  and brought 7 box of hot wing . So wen I got to the warehouse house and did the secret knocked everybody ran to me like zombie tf.
Convo starts:
CHYNA:Tf bruh this is for my sister and brother and my daddy tf.
EVERYONE else:tf man I was hungry than a motherfucker.
Chyna:go eat some nigga bye.
Convo over
They hurried and left and went to Popeye's chicken 15minutes later they fat ass come back rubbing they stomach.I go into
Pop office were my brother and sister were as soon as I open the door they all running to me well damn fat ass.

August Pov:
Bruh on some real nigga shit I miss chyna like hell bro right now me and skooly trying to call dee dee and chyna bruh miss her fine ass ohhh shit bruh crystal and starkeshia coming downstairs me and skooly look at each other and put our phone in the couch cushions because they ass crazy when they don't get what try want but they not crazier than chyna and dd.bruh I miss chyna.

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