Bloody Dinner Party

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"Don't worry Miss, we'll be leaving for the party shortly."


Everyone was sitting silently in the limo, I had my legs crossed and stared out the window. Everything was pitch black which creeped me out a bit. I was sitting between Ayato and Shu. All of them were in tuxedos, "So what's this dinner Party for?" I quietly mumbled. Reiji pushed up his glasses, "All families of the clients of our father get together, but there's a twist. Only vampires allowed. So we'll have to hide you somehow." I arched my brow, "You couldn't have left me at the mansion?"

Reiji shook his head, "No. It's too dangerous. Not around this part of the woods. Especially what they would do to a were-wolf like yourself."

"Who's they?" I questioned but got no response. I silently gulped, I wonder what's gonna happen at this dinner party.

Arriving at the dinner party host mansion...

The place was giant and grand. Sculpted to look like the Lincoln memorial. "Don't leave our side." Ayato said as all six brothers walked with me in the middle. Inside was buzzing with different people, in masks, dresses, tuxes, anything fancy. "Put this on Y/N." Reiji handed me a half mask, with silver accents. I slipped on the mask, it had a ribbon attached so I could tie it on. I was wedged between Kanato and Subaru, they both had a tight grip on my wrists."Hey the honor guests. Your father couldn't make it?" A man approached the brothers and Subaru tightened his hold.

"You know our father never attends these things." Reiji said starting a casual conversation. "Yeah I know,  your dad's such a busy man nowadays. But I guess it payed off, seeing how successful he is." A woman came to the side of the man talking, she had a red flamenco dress on, with a black half mask. "I guess you could say that." Laito said smirking. The two smiled then, they closed their eyes and sniffed the air. "There's a dog here. Do you smell that Eileen?" The man said.

Subaru and Kanato slipped me behind them, "I don't smell a thing." Subaru said crossing his arms. "Your sniffers must be busted. You can't smell that mutt? Along with the sweet smell of warm blood." I shuffled a bit, uncomfortable and sacred out of my wits. The man stepped closer, then "WELCOME EVERYONE TO THIS SPECIAL GATHERING!" The man stopped and everyone turned to someone in the middle of the room with a microphone in hand. "Today  we celebrate our companies and their relationships with the Sakamaki co."

I hold my legs together, and grit my teeth regretting I didn't go earlier, oh shit I gotta pee. I tugged in Subaru's sleeve, he looked down at me and bent over to my level, and I whispered in his ear, "Bathroom?" He pulled my wrist with him through the crowd and we ended up in front of a white wooden door. He leaned against the wall and looked away, I opened the door and went inside.

After your Business =.=

I walked outside and looked to my left but Subaru was no longer leaning against the wall. I looked around for any of the brothers, but none of them were to be found. "Where the hell are they?" I muttered under my breath. "Hey doll." I turn around to see three men in tuxedos looking like Christian Grey. "Why don't we have a little fun-" the guy in the middle stopped mid sentence and sniffed the air. He followed his nose down to my height, "Ooh that sweet smell of fresh blood. Seems the Sakamakis captured something good after all." He snapped his fingers and the two men at his sides grabbed hold of my wrists.

"Let go of me-" I yelled then they covered my mouth with their hands, which smelled like alcohol. I bit his hand and he slammed back, "What the hell?! What the fuck are you?!"

I ran and ran, frantically looking for the brothers. I finally spotted them siting down at a table, the men weren't far behind me. I reached the Sakamakis and all of them turned to me. "Hey Pancake." Ayato said, I quickly hid behind him, "Yo Pancake what's wro-"

"You brothers always hiding the fun." The guy who tried to hush me up spoke out, "I wonder what would happen when I tell the host that you brought a were-wolf to the party? Oh how that'll ruin your business partnership." Reiji huffed, "I can assure you she doesn't mean harm to anyone." Reiji calmly said, "No harm-No harm?! Look at his!" The man rose his hand which I bit, now trailing with blood. The six looked at me and I shrugged.

"They were assaulting me what else was I supposed to do?" I whisper/yelled. "So you hurt her?" Kanato eerily said, "Lets have a little chat in the back." Laito finished.

Subaru took a hold of my hand again and tugged me with the rest of them, Ayato, Laito, and Kanato dragging the men by their collars.

We were behind the enormous house now and the triplets threw the men to the ground, "You hurt Y/N-"

"You go through us." All of them attacked the men, repeatedly punching and kicking. My eyes widened in fear watching the capabilities of these vampires.

It seems like the more I know them the more I feel terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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