Angels vs. Angels Chapter One Part 1

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For everyone around me: It was a great way to celebrate Princess Ashlyn's success. For me: It was a complete waste of time and a way to make my idiotic sister's ego even bigger.

I stood, leaning against a wall in the corner. I had already gotten a crack about it by Ashlyn before the ball even began. "I don't see why I have to come," I had complained to our parents. "No one's going to talk to me because they'll all be fascinated by Ashlyn's stupidity and airhead remarks."

"I don't see why, either. You'll just be stuck to the wall like the pathetic, clingy vine you are," Ashlyn had shot back, glaring down her nose at me.

I smirked now, impressed by my sister's quick wit. It was unexpected, but that was what was so great about it.

I decided that since I was here, I better entertain myself. I decided to people-watch, my favorite type of entertainment. Looking up and around, I found nothing very interesting, so I searched out Ashlyn.

I found her by the staircase talking to a little girl holding a present. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I walked towards them. That was when I noticed there was a large crowd surrounding the staircase. In addition to that, I realized that my sister and the little girl were not talking casually, they were arguing. Oh, this'll be good, I thought, and folded my arms.

"This isn't for you!" the little girl screeched as Ashlyn took the present and tried to pry it out of her hands.

"Of course it is! Who else would it be for!" Ashlyn screeched back, tugging harder.

"It's for Princess Deana!" the girl shouted, gripping the present harder.

"What?" Ashlyn suddenly let go of the present and the little girl almost went tumbling back.

I stood, frozen and shocked. That couldn't be true. The little girl was mistaken. Why would any give me a present? Especially at Ashlyn's party?

"This present is for Princess Deana!" the girl repeated firmly.

Everyone in the crowd turned their gaze upon me. A few were even glaring, as if this was some sort of great dishonor that was my fault. I blinked, no longer shocked. I was proud. Proud of this random little girl, doing things her own way. I didn't care that I was getting a gift. Ashlyn was being knocked down a peg for once, and that was all I cared about.

The little girl walked over to me, smiling. She stopped in front of me and shoved the present up into my arms.

I cast one more look over the crowd, stopping on my sister's face. Her eyebrows furrowed a little and she frowned. I felt a smile tug at my lips, and I squatted down so I was at eye level with the girl and her present. Taking it, I saw her face light up. I started to open the gift. When I finished, my breath caught in my throat. Startled, I stared up at the girl.

"Do you like it? My dad's a blacksmith. He made it for my mom as an anniversary gift before she died. The feathers are real. They're mine and my father's. He put some sort of shiny gloss on them to make them weather-proof and stuff like that," the little girl said as if it was no big deal.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked from the girl in front of me to the silver headpiece in my hands.

The girl frowned. "You don't like it?"

I threw myself at her and gave her a tight hug. "I love it."

The girl giggled and hugged me back.

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