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Recruit Niner-Eight

I am a finely-tuned machine. I break into a sprint, leaning forward to achieve maximum momentum as I dive headfirst into the lake.
I break the surface of the water, and immediately begin a freestyle stroke. My timing is great. I'm in peak form. I spot ground quickly approaching, and seamlessly switch back to sprinting. I charge up the beach to the finish line... to find another Recruit has already beaten me there. They're sitting on a fallen log near the Captain, catching their breath. She marks my time, and the gray-armored Recruit pats the space next to them on the log, inviting me to sit with them. Good, they're not the competitive type. I gladly accept their offer, relishing the opportunity to rest.
"Good run," I say as I plant my rear on the fallen tree.
"Thanks," she responds, removing her helmet. "I saw you come in. You weren't too bad yourself. My name's-"
"Recruit Five," the Captain says, interrupting her. "You gave up your name when you began training. Your designation is Five, and you will identify as such. I will remind you of this only once, Five."
"Understood, ma'am. The Recruit's designation is Five."
"Good, soldier." She turns to me. "Niner-Eight," she says with a formal downward nod. I meet her gaze.

Another Recruit sprints up the beach, and the Captain retrieves her stopwatch. She reports the Recruit's designation, then flicks the stopwatch toward her tablet. The time appears next to the Recruit's number: 65. He looks at Five during the whole process, sizing her up. I don't like it. His look is almost predatory. I can feel myself tensing up.
"Have a seat, Six-Five," the Captain orders, gesturing to the log. He chuckles as he sits to my left.
"Maybe training won't be so bad. At least there's some eye candy." He lets out another short laugh, and elbows me in the side. "Am I right, bro?"
I look over Five with an analytic eye. She's fairly tall, appearing to be about six feet ten inches in height. For comparison, I am six foot eight and Six-Five is six foot six. She has shoulder length brown hair, and appears to be of European descent. She seems to be slim, but that's all I can tell through the body armor. I turn to Six-Five, but before I can respond, Five speaks up.
"Captain, permission to visit violence upon Six-Five?" The Captain turns around with a condescending glare. "No, Five. Not all problems can be solved by violence." She approaches Six-Five, then suddenly throws a brutal punch into his stomach. She smiles at Five. "But this one can. You may proceed." Five rises to her feet, and suddenly her six foot ten height seems so much more intimidating. She gives me a sweet, innocent smile, and politely says, "Excuse me, Niner." I slide over to the other end of the log, and she delivers a devastating blow to the other Recruit's jaw, knocking him off of the log.
"Good hit, Five!" The Captain yells from the beach.

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