Ripper |Damon Salvatore|

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So here's just a little imagine showing y'all my writing style! I also do apologize if there are any mistakes! My laptop has been broken forever so I have to use my phone.

Nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. I mean it was cold outside and it was dark but who cares? It felt great. No emotions clouding my judgement, no guilt for killing a person,   just nothing.

Bright lights interrupted my satisfied thoughts of turning off my humanity. Dinner was here. Or maybe a late night snack. I was lying in the middle of the road, bored because the Salvatore brothers just so happened to keep bugging me about turning my humanity back on so I had to get away. Forgetting about the brothers, I heard the click of heels walking towards me and then a woman's voice rang out in the silence. "Hey! Are you okay?" She sounded worried. "Oh my god," she muttered to herself. "Um I'm just going to call for help so stay there!" she raises her voice. How stupid. I mean if i seriously was a dead person, oh wait I am, but anyways if I was human, wouldn't I be stuck there? Idiot woman.

I noticed her back was turned to me now and in one swift motion, I was gone. I watched as she looked back to where I had been laying. She was a beautiful girl. Maybe early 20s. I could hear her pulse and it was high meaning more blood pumping. As she turned around I watched her jump back. "What are you doing? I thought you were hurt!" She gasped. "Well you see," I started,"I'm most definitely not hurt, but I am hungry." I smirked. She looked puzzled and then said,"Well I have some fries and a burger left." "Mmm no. You see I'm a vampire and so I don't eat that gross greasey food. Now what you are going to do is hold still for me, but you can scream as loud as you want as I drain one of your arteries," I compelled her. The poor girl looked terrified. Oh well.

The veins under my eyes were what got her screaming. I bit into her neck feeling the warm, savory blood flow right out of her. Her screams making it better. This was fun. Well until an oh so familiar voice interrupted. "Oh come on! She was just on a date with Donovan! He'll be upset! Plus she's 18 so don't you think that's a little young?" Damon Salvatore. I stopped and snapped the girl's neck. She was almost drained dry anyway.

"Wow Damon. You sure know how to ruin a girl's night,"I hissed. He smirked. I rolled my eyes and tried to run off at vamp speed but I was stopped short by Stefan. "Go away!" I groaned before turning and running another way. I only found that I was blocked by Caroline. "Come on Y/N. Just turn it back on and this whole thing will be easy," she said. "Hm let me think about it. No," I said before running the opposite way only to be stopped by Elena. I was cornered. "Really guys!?" I snapped as they all formed around me. "I'm afraid so," Stefan sighed. "I'm not turning it on. Life is much better for me how it is. I mean come on! Damon, you should turn it off and we can get the hell out of here," I smirked. "Hmmm as much as that would be fun, no." He shot me down. To be honest I didn't really care even if he was my boyfriend. "Fine then," I said. I rushed over and snapped Elena's neck before making my escape. But I was stopped short by Caroline who snapped my neck. Darkness.

I woke up to find myself tied up to a chair. Great. I've been Salvatored. I thought. "Damonnnnnnnnn!" I yelled. "Yes princess?" He came around the corner. "Let me the hell out of here!" I snapped. "Mmm no can do darling," He smirked and got right into my face. "Turn it on and then you can go." I hissed and tried to bite the smug look off his face. "Fine then," he said before pouring a glass of blood and putting it right in my line of view. "You can have this when you get your humanity back," he said and then walked out. The smell was making my skin burn. "DAMON SALVATORE!" I screamed and tried breaking free. But he wasn't coming into the room anytime soon at all.

This lasted for a week. No one came to see me as I slowly desecrated. Until one day, they sent Little Gilbert down to change out the blood. "Ahh finally sent a visitor huh?" I laughed weakly. "Just shut up. You'd feel better if you just turned it back on because you'll get the blood you need to survive," he snapped. I was very agitated. "Make me turn it on Gilbert. Because if my boyfriend can't get me to turn it on then why do think you can try? You're nothing. You don't do anything significant to this whole supernatural thing. You're worthless!" I hissed. And that's how you push buttons. He came up right in my face and grabbed my shoulders. Before he could say anything, I sunk my fangs into his neck getting enough before anyone could rush down and stop me. Damon, Stefan, and Elena came rushing down and I was gone before they knew it.

Thank goodness it was dark outside. They took my daylight ring. But let's just say I wasted no time getting my next meal.

Damon's POV:
"That's it! I've had it with my maniac girlfriend!" I snapped. "Can I please kill her?" Elena asked. I stopped pacing and snapped,"No! We just need to do something already to get her to turn it back on!" "Why?! She's gone! She almost killed Jeremy!" Elena yelled. "Ok enough!" Baby bro stepped in. "Okay so what do you propose we do hero hair?" I asked. "We need to call her sister and get Matt's ring on her. You need to kill her little sister," Stefan said. That was not what I had in mind. "Whoa whoa whoa. No we can't get Y/S/N involved. Stefan, she is 8 years old!" I exclaimed. "Damon it's the only way to bring Y/N back!" "Stefan, her little sister is 8 years old. She knows nothing about the supernatural world! She doesn't even know Y/N is a vampire! If that ring doesn't work on Y/S/N then Y/N will loose the last person she has left in her family. More reasons to keep her humanity off! I can't do that to her!" I yelled. Elena cut in,"Y/N is our friend too Damon. Maybe since she cares so much about her sister if she just scares her, that will be enough for her switch to flip back on. That's her worst fear. Making her little sister afraid of her. So maybe we don't have to kill her." The tension in the room broke a bit. "I'll call Bonnie," Caroline said. As everyone dispersed, I grabbed Stefan's arm. "Get the ring and keep it on that child. Give her your blood too. If worst comes to worse we will turn her and she'll live," I hissed. He gave me a nod and left. I poured myself a big glass of bourbon and then headed out to find the she-devil.

Y/N's POV:
Finding a late night meal was hard. I didn't have time to lay on the ground and wait for someone to show up, and I couldn't just barge into someone's house. So I stumbled around like a fool in the woods until I ran into Matty. "Y/N!" he yelled. I turned and saw him standing there with a wooden stake. I raised my eyebrows and said,"What are you going to do with that Donovan? Gonna kill me for killing your little date that night? Damon won't like that." I laughed. "You can have one more chance to turn it back on," He said. "One more chance? Hmmm how about no!" I sneered, "Plus what are you going to do? You're nothing just like Little Gilbert. So be useful and let me have a drink," I smiled before going to take a bite. Unfortunately Damon's voice rang out stopping me from feeding. "Donovan is not the main course tonight sweetheart! We brought someone else easier to catch if they run!" He, Stefan, Bonnie, and Caroline stepped out of the darkness along with Y/S/N. Something inside me stirred attempting to get through the wall I built up, but I quickly brushed it off. "You're joking?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows. "Nope," Damon said popping the 'p'. "If you don't care about anything, feed on her," Caroline sneered. I could hear her heartbeat. She was nervous and that meant a little more blood flow. The hunger consumed me, but I just stood there. I wouldn't give in. It would hurt to much. "Y/N?" my little sister said quietly. She was terrified and apart of me didn't give a crap. Stefan groaned,"Forget this! It isn't working! But this will," he rushed over and snapped her neck. I shrieked and felt the wall completely fall. However, Damon was there to catch me as I collapsed into a sobbing mess. "Shhh baby it's okay. Look," Damon showed me she had Matt's ring on. A wave of relief spread throughout me, but everything I did when my humanity was off came rushing back. "Well, at least we know she has feelings again," Caroline muttered before Damon whisked me away back to the boarding house.

By the time I had stopped crying, my sister was tucked in fast asleep. She had woken up and Damon immediately compelled her to forget everything that happened. I sat by her side watching her sleep in peace when Damon came in. He wrapped his arm around me and softly kissed my head. "You know I didn't let them drag Y/S/N into this without a fight. She never deserved that," Damon spoke softly. "Damon, she doesn't deserve me. I'm a horrible sister. I'm a monster," I said with a shaky voice,"I could never hurt her. Maybe I need to compel her to forget about me and go live with my grandparents in California. Far away from here." "No princess you're not a monster. You're someone who lost a lot. But we all have. And let me promise you something," He looked me dead in the eye,"I will never ever let anyone touch Y/S/N or you. I would die a million times over to protect her and you because I love you. And I love that little squirt just as much." Everything felt warm. I grabbed Damon's shirt and pressed a very passionate kiss to his lips. We broke apart and laid down. "I love you too Damon Salvatore," I muttered before falling asleep after a long day.

The end! Haha hope you enjoyed! I do apologize for the ending. I'm not the best at endings! And i'm sorry for any mistakes! Please request!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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