Episode 10: Three's a Crowd

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I swear no one will tell me anything in this house

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I swear no one will tell me anything in this house.

You see, my dad does this thing where he likes to distract me from whatever serious situation is occuring in our family, like back when my mom kept going on and on about how dissappointing it was to have me not finish ballet like she did, my dad bought tickets for Haz and I to go to Six Flags all day until mom was done with her rambling tangent.

Today was no different, except for the fact that this time my dad didn't buy me any tickets to an amusement park, or a big book of fun facts about animals, or a trip to the petting zoo.

No, this time he got me something completely out of the ordinary...

"A date? Are you serious- were you not here witnessing everything that happened yesterday? Are we just going to ignore that?" I asked in disbelief, referring to the hospital incident not understanding why both my mom, dad, even Nat were acting so weird ever since we left the place.

"Look, the adults need the house to ourselves for today to talk things out, I promise I'll explain everything to you soon once I figure out exactly what's going on." Dad explained in a patient tone, the both of us knowing that Nat and Cynthia were upstairs still conversing with one another as I frowned.

"You're not telling me something..." I trailed off, narrowing my eyes at my father who simply inhaled sharply, pressing his clasped hands to his lips.

"Are you saying you don't want to go out on a friendly date with Jaden?" He asked, trying to change the subject as my eyes widened at his words.

"Of course I do! You know that I've been talking about him non-stop but why now out of all times?" I tested, placing my hands on my hips in frustration as I glared up at my dad knowing he was desperate to have me out of the house.

"Uh... If now isn't really a good time I can just come back another day-" Jaden began in a slightly shakey nervous laugh, hesitantly rising from our couch with his hand raised awkwardly in the air.

"Sit down!" My dad and I turned our heads to snap at him in unison making Jaden immediatly sit his cute butt down back onto my sofa with wide frightened eyes.

"Yah, I'd pretty much do what Hulk and daughter Hulk say man." Haz casually advised besides him, leaning back into the cushions engrossed on his cell phone as Jaden gulped, sitting up with a straight posture.

"I just can't believe you out of all people would actually go up to him and ask 'hey sport, wanna take my daughter out?' This is coming from the dad who still thinks I believe babies come from storks." I slowly explained for emphasis as my dad's body tensed.

Yes, yes my father did actually go up to my crush and asked if he wanted to take me out.

Yes, yes I do want to currently light myself on fire and jump out the window.

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