Chapter 2

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[ Kylie's POV ]

I woke up and took a shower. I wore a white halter top and high waisted jeans. I paired it with white vans.

I grab my phone and check the time 10:40 am. I waited for Layla to be awake.

"Mommy?" Layla said rubbing her eyes. I picked her up.

"How's my little Layla doing?" I asked her holding her to the side of my hip.

"Good, why are you all dressed?" She asked.

"Me and Grayson are getting some coffee, wanna come?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Come on, brush your teeth while I choose your outfit ok?" I said putting her down and crouching down to her level. We walked upstairs. She goes inside the bathroom.

I walked inside her bedroom and opened her closed. I chose a pastel blue romper and white vans just like me.

"Wear this ok?" I said to her.

After she wore it I did a half up and half down bun on her. Damn she looked fresh.

I picked her up and took her downstairs to eat breakfast.

Beep beep

My phone went off.

Grayson: Good Morning!!

I smiled.

Me: good morning g

Grayson: can we go a little early I wanna see you and little Layla again :)

Me: sure I don't mind.

Grayson: see yah in 20.

Me and Layla started eating breakfast.

"Mommy?" Layla said.

"Yes?" I said turning my focus to her.

"Are you and Grayson getting married?" She asked. I laughed.

"No we're just friends." I said smiling.

"Who's my daddy mommy? I wanna see him." Layla said.

"I-I don't know if you will. He's stupid that's all I know." I rolled my eyes thinking about that nasty rat face.

Ding Dong ding dong ding dong

I opened the door.

"Calm your tits when your ringing my doorbell." I rolled my eyes looking at Grayson.

"Nice to see you too." He said.

"Grayson!" Layla said running into his arms. I stand in awe.

"Well ready to go Layla?" He said.

We exited the home and I lock my door. We walked inside his car. I sat in the passenger seat and Layla in the back.

Grayson started driving to Starbucks.

"So why are we hanging out today?" I asked.

"Well I kinda like being around Layla and you." He smiled.

"Aww that's so cute of you." I said pinching his cheeks.

He parked his car and we head out. Grayson picked up Layla.

Damn he looked hot with my child. I could get used to this, but I can't.
I don't even know how he's like.

Me and Layla sit in a booth together.

"What do you want Layla?" I asked her.

"I want Double Chocolaty Chip Frap and a cake pop!" She said.

"Ok. Grayson?" I asked.

"Imma get iced coffee." He said getting up.

"Where do you think your going?" I asked.

"Paying?" He said.

"Uh no I'm paying sit your ass down." I said but noticing I cussed in front of Layla. I looked to my side and see her looking at the cake pops drooling.

"Who do you think I am? I'm the man here I pay!" He said.

"No your not! I think imma get iced coffee too. Ooh maybe a brownie." I said getting up. He held my hands. I stare at our hands. I smiled.

"Sit your pretty face down, my treat." He smiled letting go and getting our drinks.

"You like Grayson Layla?" I asked.

"Yeah he's fun!" She said.

"That's great to hear." I said looking down.


"Wow! Really? I think Layla should do gymnastics." Grayson said.

We were playing 21 questions.

"I don't know maybe." I shrugged.

"What sports do you play?" I asked while holding Layla on my lap.

"I used to play football and lacrosse, oh and wrestling. I would wrestle my brother all the time." He laughed I smiled.

"What the heck? Did he get hurt." I said smiling a bit.

"Yeah but it was nothing." He smiled.

"So Layla, how you like LA?" Grayson asked her playing with her chubby cheeks.

"It's awesome! I love it here." She smiled while eating her cake pop.

I looked at the time, 3:30 pm.

"Oh shoot, I have to call Madison, she needed some help for her sisters wedding, do you mind taking Layla home?" I asked Grayson.

"No, not at all." He said taking Layla. I gave him the keys to my house.

"Don't steal anything." I smiled.

Madison; hey wru?

Me; im at Starbucks come.

Madison; omw

Me; stop using those shortcuts they make me gag

Madison; yus mam

Me; *sighs*

Madison; *turns around and drives back home*

Me; *sighs louder*

Madison; stupid ass bitch!!

Me; *sighs hella loud*

Madison; im here missy!!

I see her car pull up. I kiss Layla and hugged Grayson. He hold me tight.

"You can pull away now Grayson." I said.

"Oh sorry." He pulled away and blushed. I smiled.

"Bye!!" I said hopping inside Madison's car.

"Damn mami, that's the babysitter?!" She said.

"Yeah and stop he's mine." I smiled.

"Wow." Madison rolled her eyes.


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