Chapter 2 - Elizabeth

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Chapter 2. I hope you guys like it. My sister said she really likes this story so I wrote this for her. So enjoy the chapter and tell me how I did. :)

Chapter 2


Nine Years Later

"Get off me!" Elizabeth snarled as she was pinned to the ground. Ethan grinned down at her, his shaggy, blonde hair falling into his eyes. She struggled against him, growling lowly. He had managed to beat her again in a fight and she was starting to get annoyed. Just because he was strong didn't mean he had to continually prove it to her.

"Ethan, five; Elizabeth, zero." Travis chuckled as he leaned against the side of the house. His brother and Elizabeth were fooling around in the backyard and he was supposed to be making sure neither of them got hurt. His mother wanted to make sure that her little girl didn't get hurt and Travis was definitely taking his job seriously.

"Don't egg him on!" Elizabeth snarled, pushing Ethan off of her.

She could barely remember anything about her life before Travis had found her. All she could seem to get from her memories was being injected with something and then finding herself standing in front of Travis. From there on her life had gotten ten times better.

Three years after she had been with her new family Elizabeth had shifted for the first time. She was an early shifter, supposed to shift at sixteen. It was painful, especially since she knew her vampire family couldn't do anything but comfort her. They wouldn't be able to help her with shifter problems but they could still always be there for her. She loved her family, even if she was the odd one out. There was no other family she could ever ask for.

"Oh is the wolf mad?" Travis teased, grinning as Elizabeth stalked up to him. She stood toe to toe with him, glaring up at him. Travis leaned down, kissing her forehead and scooping her up over his shoulder. A blush spread across Elizabeth's face as he spun around and around before tickling her sides.

The moon shone down on them as they continued to fool around, pushing each other and joking. It would be morning soon and then they'd have to go to school. As much as Elizabeth hated it she knew she had to go to school. If Travis and Ethan went then she had to too. It was only fair for her to suffer just as much as they were.

"Can't catch me, Elizabeth!" Ethan chanted as he ran around Elizabeth. She laughed, leaping at him. He caught her with open arms, holding her over his head with ease. His vampire strength was incredible. Ethan was much stronger than she was and werewolves tended to be stronger than vampires, even if they were half-breeds. Then again all Ethan seemed to do was work out. He pretended not to care about his body but Elizabeth knew he really did.

"Put me down!" Elizabeth screamed as he threw her up in the air, catching her as she hurtled back toward his arms. He fell backward, the air rushing from his chest. Elizabeth smiled, ruffling his hair. Ethan wasn't always the smartest person in the world, especially when it came to playing around with her.

"Kids come inside! The sun will be up in an hour and you need to get ready for school." Travis's mother called them in. Elizabeth groaned, she was having too much fun. She loved hanging out with Travis and Ethan. They may not have been her real brothers but it was like they were. They cared about her just as much as they would care about their real sister.

Ethan walked inside but Travis held Elizabeth back. He held her arms, looking into her eyes. Elizabeth already knew what he was going to say. He had been asking her the same thing for about three weeks and she knew he wasn't going to stop until he was sure her answer was sincere.

"Are you sure you want to go? I know you get nervous around werewolves." Travis mumbled and Elizabeth nodded. She had been going to Ethan's school for two weeks. She had been homeschooled by his mother up until her sophomore year started when Elizabeth decided it was time she learned with people of her own age. The only problem was she wouldn't be able to be with Travis. He had graduated the year before and he was in search of a college.

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