Chapter 1

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Imagine living that fast paced life, scantily clad women throwing themselves at men made of money - no shame. That black American female stripper tale, "I was forced to" , "I had no other choice", "I ain't got money". Do you feel sorry for them? I sure as hell don't... cause I'm one of 'em. It's a hustle and it's every female for themselves. They say I changed; did they even know me to say that I did.


"Ma... we outta food, need me to go get some after school?" I hollered looking inside an empty fridge.

My moms looked at me with that bewildered look on her face. "Jada we can't stop avoiding the fact that we're broke, our rent's long overdue and that damn landlord Joe has been on our case these past 2 months." she delivered all of that without even taking a breather.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I asked with my head down, examining my nails, I just hated seeing my mother so hopeless.

"Get a job Jada!" her eyes twitched with tears. "I'm sick, I'm out of a job, we can't go on like this."

I paused, still recollecting my thoughts on a job,I mean I know a lot of 16 year old's have jobs and all that, but its usually because they can't be bothered to rely on their parents for some money. I had to get a job because I had to be the provider for my family. With no male figure in sight, we were just two females...lost.

"Can we talk about this later... please?"

"That's what you said the last time," she sat with her arms folded like a little child. "There's some money on the counter, that should be enough to cover food for the week."

I swiped the money off the kitchen counter and left the house not even glancing back to see her face, if she didn't drive my Dad out the house with her overbearing-self then we wouldn't even be in this mess. I took advantage of a long walk to school, usually I cared about my attendance but I wasn't in the mood...I was gonna end up in some minimum wage job anyway. I'm not really known by many people at school, I just stayed with my best friends, Damien and Brandi, keeping out of others way. You could say that I'm not exactly the confident type, never cloaked myself with make-up, never brought any attention to myself... I was just there.

I made my way into homeroom, I actually wasn't that late. Now, there's somebody who loves attention, Rashad, he was that guy in high school, the one every girl swooned over and sadly I'm one of many. He hopped out of his seat, giving me a wink as he walked past or maybe it was the girl behind me. Curse those dreamy brown eyes.


"What!" I knew it was either Damien or Brandi, who else knew me other than them.

"Girl, get yo daydreaming ass over here." That just gave it away to be Brandi, her voice always seemed to cheer me up. She was warm-hearted, enthusiastic, just everything you needed in a best friend.

"How long was I?"

"Hmm.. not long." That was Damien, he was real cool, you don't find much guys like him where I'm from, I would describe him as the eccentric kind. We all laughed, this was just another day, another one of my goofy tendencies.

"Soo.. what've we got planned for Friday." I asked. We usually did something that day, we do it so often, it became a tradition.

"We should go down to the skating rink," Brandi looked so ecstatic, compared to Damien's face anyways.

"Rollerskating.. Brandi you know I can not rollerskate." He replied emphasising every word.

"Oh come on Dame, it'll be fun," I gave him a little nudge. "Stop being such a lil' wuss." Downplaying a guys manhood was always one way to get him on your side.

"A'ight, Ima rollerskate, but don't expect much." He looked up and smiled at me, I gave him a little smile back.

Mmhm, we most definitely won't expect much. I loved my lil' posse and all but wow, they were really the only friends I had. I can't even lie, I envied all those girls who got all of the attention. I bet most people thought I was one of those who spent all their time in the library, I mean I ain't even a fan of books to be completely honest. I'd try to dress less boring if I could but I was just too shy for that, or perhaps this was a wake-up call and it really was time for a change of pace.

"Bye boo, see ya tomorrow." Brandi gave me a hug as she strolled off with Damien. Damien caught eyes with me when I glimpsed back. Things have been sorta funny with me and him ever since last summer, he was always gazing at me for too long. Could I be seeing things, probably... and besides all I could see him as was a friend.


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