Jealous much: party surprises...

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Luke's pov:

Friday; y/n's birthday. The cake is ready,food organised,everyone has started to set up the dinning parvilion and I am in the woods with the birthday girl.We decided to go hunting so she has her sword bloodstain and I have mine. We are somewhere or to the east of Zeus' fist and are currently lurking in the tree tops.

"Y/n," I whisper shout and point a few meters in front of us where a deer is crazing, she holds out her hand and begins to silently count down, the silence kills me because all I can think about is the party and how much she'll enjoy it. 





We spring from the trees I land a metre to the side of the deer but y/n lands right beside it she pierces the creatures skin with her sword before it has a chance to move,sword sinks in and the deer cries out in pain, I run over to the opposite site of the creature and use my sword to cut through to the heart killing the beast in the process,most girls would be grossed out by the sight of even a drop of blood but not y/n she prefers to actually be the one drawing the blood than being on the side lines with screaming girls such as drew, which makes her a pretty awesome chick.

Y/n pov:

After we'd strung the deer to a strong tree branch not to far from the ground and slit the deer throat so the blood could drain we headed back to camp.

"Y/n are you wanna go grab a snack from the dinning pavilion?" Luke suggests with a grin tugging at his lips.

"Sure, why not," I simply reply, Luke than pulls a black strip of material from his back pocket and begins to tie it around my eyes insisting I must wear it for some miraculous reason which he so happens to leave out.

He gently guids me to the pavilion careful to make sure I don't run into anything as we walk past what I believe to be the archery range I hear utter silence it's strikes me as odd because this is the time apollo campers would be practicing, not that they need practice. 

Luke disappears from my side and a take the blind fold off my face and see what awaits me, the blind fold falls from my fingers to the ground with hardly a noise at all, I can hardly move, as my breath leaves me in the form of a gasp I stare at what had become of the dinning Pavillon, in front of me all of my friends stood with Luke standing at the very front with the largest grin I've ever seen.

"SUPRISE!" Everyone shouts in sync as Conner and Travis turn on a loud wave of sound which the call music, everyone spreads out and begins to dance, everyone except Luke he walks straight towards me; butterfly dance in my stomach and my legs shake softly for a brief moment.

"You organised this didn't you," I laugh gently punching him in the arm, he returns the laughter.

" happy birthday y/n," he says as the butterflies move quicker in your stomach. 

"Thanks," I giggle, noticeably turn a shade of pale pink. Luke chuckles, the grin on his face grew even larger than I thought possible.

Luke's pov:

Y/n all of a sudden grabs my wrist and pulls away from the party, we run all the way to the ocean and she dives straight in with out hesitation I follow her soon to find my head incased in a bubble once again, the current picks up around us propelling us through the water, and I knew exactly where we were going.

When we reach the cave y/n heads straight for the small opening in the wall and I soon do the same she heads over the the collection of pillows and rugs where she sits I sit beside her and pull something from the pocket of my jeans and hand it to her. It's a small black velvety box with her initials printed in gold on the top she gasps and opens it slowly her eyes shin when she sees what it is, a small metal gold arrow that has been bent into a ring sits in the box y/n pulls it out of the box and slips it into the middle finger on her right hand, she brings me into a tight embrace and goes to kiss my cheek but intentionally I tilt my head so that her lips hit my own, I expected her to pull away in an instant but after realising what has happened she merely waits to see what I do, I kiss her back she wraps her hands around my neck and mine wrap around her waist, I pull her onto my lap continuing the kiss only breaking for air. Her lips are warm and send shivers up my spine every time they reconnect with mine.

Y/n's pov:

I'M KISSING LUKE!! I can hardly contain my butterflies.

"I love you," I whisper before we lock lips again.

"I love you too," he replies as we break for air once more.

And all I want to do is scream as the word exit his lips. I finally get to tell him I love him and kiss the guy who I thought would never love me but here I am in the arms of my dream guy. Luke castellan.

Thank you soo much guys for reading unfortunately this is the end of jealous much but if you do want more comment down below and tell me who I should do next and don't forget to vote on my story so I know that you guys actual enjoy my work but if you don't say so because I don't just do x readers and fanfics 

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