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So I'm rewriting it with a whole different plot. The first attempt seemed boring and poorly written so my new idea came to mind and BAM! This chapter was born.

So please give feedback because it will make my day.

(Not edited)


"You can do this Alice!"

"No pressure."

"Just five more problems!"

"I need pizza."

My eyes shift from my paper to my brother Caleb who made the idiotic remark. He shrugs and I stare back down at my paper in concentration.

Yep, I love my brothers, they were so supportive of me...most of the time.

Focus Alice!

My sub conscious reminds me of my task and I continue scribbling down answers.

Sweat threatens to drop from my forehead and I blow my hair out of my face to see clearer.

"Done!" I say excitedly then practically throw my paper into Davids hand.

He straightens his clip on tie to make it more professional then scans my paper.

He then clears his throat and begins to talk in the most serious manner he can manage.

"Alice Elizabeth Dohl, after thoroughly reading this scroll I hereby declare thy success."

"Speak English Doofus!" I practically scream and he cracks a smile.

"You passed twelfth grade!" He throws his hands up in excitement and I scream for joy, Caleb, Max, and Adam do the same.

Our joyous cries filling our small house.

If you couldn't tell, I just finished my final test to pass my twelfth grade year of homeschooling, that definitely requires celebration.

Adam lifts me up into his shoulders and I can't help but hide my grin, what would I do without these guys?

"Let's get some pizza!" Caleb yells and we laugh but no one argues so Caleb excitedly calls the pizza place down the street for a delivery.

Five minutes later the delivery guy is payed and we are all sitting around the tv, shoving pizza into our mouth.

"Hey, graduate." Max calls with his signature goofy smile that makes him the ultimate goofball of everyday living. I peer over my shoulder to look at him. "Since we are celebrating, your bros wanna give you a present." Then the rest of my sibling smile and Max pulls something out from under the couch.

I can't make it out till he gets closer.

It was Davids high school hat that was passed down through all of the brothers

I grin as he places the hat on my head, ruffling my hair playfully before sitting back down.

I was overjoyed, and you can see the proud look in my brothers faces too.

"You look great kiddo." David says. "Mom and dad would be proud." Tears shine in his eyes and I try to play around to avoid the tender subject.

"Don't go soft on me Davy." I say grinning and David grins in response.

I take off the work hat to look at it, it's faded original red color and frayed G letter that was down in supposed to stand for 'Georgia'.

I trace the letter softly then place the hat back on my head.

What would I do without my brothers...


So since this is the prologue it's fairly short, but it definitely gets better. I haven't written in a while so your welcome for blessing you with my chapter, I'm not dead despite your beliefs.

Alright I should probably go to bed now but thanks for reading anyway.


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