Trouble in PieTown

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It was a typical evening in the Men of Letters Bunker. Sam had been researching something all day after receiving a call from Jody Mills earlier that afternoon. Apparently, Jody was visiting family out of town and may have stumbled onto a case for them. After he did some research, Sam agreed and was pretty sure there was a case for them in New Mexico. Sam wanted to run it by Dean to see what he thought. So he printed out some stuff from the computer and went to look for his big brother.

Dean was sprawled on the couch, staring at the TV. Sam entered the room and grinned when he saw Dean watching TV. He walked over and stood directly in front of the screen, blocking Dean's view. "Hey, I think I found us a case."

Dean was not happy when Sam blocked the screen, and he glared at his little brother. "Move it, Gigantor!" After hearing what Sam said about a case, he raised an eyebrow and looked up at Sam interested. "What kind of case?"

Sam smirked and stayed right where he was ignoring Dean's Gigantor crack. "Not sure." He tossed the printouts onto Dean's lap. "Several people have gone missing without a trace in a small town in New Mexico. No bodies or anything have been found. What do you think?"

Dean took the printouts and started to look through them and nodded. "Yeah, it does look like there might be a case here. Have they gone missing during full moons?"

"Yeah, uh, some of them have, but not all..." He shifted back and forth on his feet, watching Dean. "So, you wanna check it out?"

"Yeah, people are probably being killed, so we really should go check this out. When did you want to leave?" Dean sat up and stretched his arms over his head.

"Uh, I could be ready in 10." He shrugged, knowing Dean usually wanted to jump on a case right away.

"Alright, let me go throw my gear together, and we can hit the road." Dean started to get up off the couch.

"Okay. I'll go grab my stuff, and I'll meet you at the Impala." Sam turned to head for his room, and once in there, he started neatly putting clothes into his backpack then loaded his laptop into its bag.

"Sounds like a plan." Dean went into his bedroom and started tossing clothes and weapons haphazardly into his duffel bag.

Approximately 5 minutes later, Dean was packed and ready, and he walked out to the Impala, but there was no sign of Sam. Dean loaded his duffel into the Impala's trunk, then got into the driver's seat and hoped Sammy got the lead out. It only took about three seconds for Dean to get impatient, and he cranked the radio playing Metallica.

Sam was in his room meticulously packing his belongings into his backpack, not realizing he was taking too long for Dean's taste.

Dean was getting more impatient and decided to send Sam a text message telling him to quit worrying about his hair and makeup and get his ass out to the car.

Sam finally got everything packed and was ready to go, then walked to the garage and headed toward the Impala. He could already hear Metallica blasting as soon as he entered. Sam heard his phone ding with a text just as he reached the Impala and pulled it out to see who it was from since he didn't think it'd be Dean. Sam read the message and couldn't believe how rude and impatient Dean could be, and he yanked the car door open. "Really, Dean? You knew I was on my way out here."

Dean didn't realize Sam was in the garage because he was looking at his phone, and the music was so loud, and he jumped a little when the car door opened, and he turned the music down then looked up at Sam. "About time, Sammy! What were you doing? Checking your makeup? You were taking forever!" He smirked.

Sam gave Dean a bitchface when Dean asked if he was putting on makeup and just got into the car. "I did not take forever. I told you I had to get my stuff." Sam settled into the seat and got comfortable since it was going to be a long trip.

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