Jay's POV
Then someone taps me on the shoulder. Guess who it was!?!? GUESS!!! It was my old boyfriend BEFORE Nick. We broke up because he had to move and we didn't was a far away relationship. His name is Brandon.
Brandon: Hey Beautiful...Nice to see a pretty face like your right about now
Jay: Brandon you said that when you told me that you liked me and I told you that I liked you back
Brandon: So does that give you a hint??
Jay: Yea
Brandon: So you wanna try us again??
Jay: Its the FIRST day of college AND I got to FOCUS on my work so I can have a future life and make money
Brandon: I know but what you say
Jay: No not right now!
Brandon: Okay but I WILL get my baby back
Jay: Yea some day but NOT today
Brandon: We'll see about that
Then after he said that he smacked my but and winked then walked away. That HURT ya know!!
Brandon' s POV
Son! When I seen my ex Jay all I could think was....BABY THICK! And...HAY BABY!! Son!! O want her back SO bad.....Ima get my thick shawty BACK!!