Chapter 3

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"All the hardest, coldest people you will ever meet were once as soft as water. And that's the tragedy of living."

- Ian Thomas

*                     *                    *

"Kiara wake up. Destiny is here to pick you up." Layla calls from outside my door. My head pops up from my pillow and I shove my frizzy hair out of my face.

"I'm coming in and I have coffee," Destiny announces before sashaying into my room. She's dressed in a black pants suit with beige heels. I roll onto my back and sit up.

"Tyler went to the bakery to grab some breakfast. He should be back soon." Tyler, my other wonderful roommate. He's always doing something. I haven't seen him for the last couple of days. He must have been at a photo shoot.

"Thank you." I sigh with happiness after my first sip.

"You young lady have some explaining to do."

"Oh boy." I groan and take another sip of my coffee.

"Why didn't you tell me you fucked Kyle's brains out in the limo?" She takes a seat at the edge of my bed.

"I was going to tell you later today when I saw you. How'd you find out?" That was fast.

"Kyle told Jay of course and then he told me. You'll be glad to hear Kyle has ranked you in his top five lays. He says, and I quote, 'She's a freak who knows what she wants.' He also wants to go out with you again. I'm sure he wants round two."

"Well, I'm glad to know I still got it."

"Please, it never left. You're young, successful, and beautiful."

"Thanks, Des. What are you all dressed up for?"

"After we dropped you off Kyle told me all about sex daggers."

"Oh boy." I groan again.

"He told me that he asked you to go home with him last night right in front of him and how he's going to be our new client."

"And this has what to do with your attire?"

"Because Kyle also reminded me of who he is. His name is Ryson Lábel. He's in line to take over his father's billion-dollar jewelry company. He just got back from France a week ago. Every magazine has an article about him in it. Whether it be about his return, why he left, or that he's one of the youngest and richest men to become a CEO of such an amazing company. Planning whatever it is for him not only brings in a lot of money but a lot higher end clients. So the answer to your question is, I'm dressing to impress."

"Then you'll be disappointed because his personal assistant is who I'll be meeting with."

"His personal assistant?" She says confused. "But what about your rule."

"I made an exception for him. Being around him does things to me. Plus, he's a cocky douche I'd rather not be around again."

"Of course he's a cocky douche. He looks like a fucking God. I'm sure he has a banging body and a huge dick to match. The guy can be cocky for a reason."

"Who are we talking about? I want to meet him. Sounds like my type of guy."

"Any guy is your type of guy Tyler." I point out. He thinks about it for a second.

"Yeah, you're right." He grins. "But that's only because I'm not picky like someone I know."

"I'm not picky. I know what I want. There is nothing wrong with that and even though he looks like an angel that's no reason to be cocky and there's no explaining away him being a douche." I say returning back to our original conversation.

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