P!NK Lies

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HI!!!! lol this is my first story and my friends love it so i HOPE you love it too! Votes/ comments are more than welcomed! ;) 




Chapter 1: Angels cry

My heart is racing and my head is spinning. Come on just slide your finger a little farther to the right. The rope was tightening around my waist and no one can hear my muffled screams. The sweat beading on my forehead was hot and sliding down my cheek. I grabbed the pocket knife and moved my arm up the side of my back until i heard the rope hit the pantry floor. I was free and I pulled the ducktape off my mouth. I kicked the pantry door open and fell to the kitchen floor in tears. I was breathing heavily and the police were outside my house. The stretchers had 2 bodies on them. One lay my mother and one lay my boyfriend.

 "Jennette we need to know what happened here tonight." 

I slowly looked at the officer with fearful eyes. I stamered and tried to explain myself but I could see he wouldnt believe my story.

"Jennette please..."

 "Please call me Jenny."

He passed me a cup of black coffee and watched me slowly take a sip of it.

"Well jenny until we find this so called killer of yours we need to know what happened in there so we can help you."

I slammed the coffee cup on the table and stood up.

 "What do you want to know! I told you my story! He came into the house with a beer in one hand and a rope in another. He told me "Sorry." and pushed me aganist the wall binding the rope around me. My mother watched in horror racing toward the phone but he already shot her before she hit "send", David was coming inside when he saw me crying and the rope around me. Then he got a bat and hit David in the head and after that I dont know what happened!"

The officer rubbed the temples of his head and shut the door behind him. I could feel the tears hot aganist my cheeks. My body was cold.

The door opened and hit the wall with force. he reached for me. I took his hand and watched him closely.

 "Your father escaped from prison 3 nights ago."

The coffee I was holding in my hands hit the floor when I saw his picture on channel 7 news.

 "Its him. He was the one who did this. I want him back in jail!"

 "Jenny we have to get you out of here and into a safer enviorment."

 "Like where?" 

"New york city." "New york!!!? Thats way to far and what about my life! What about school?"

 "You'll be in college soon."

 "Not soon enough I havent chosen which one yet but-but what about my mom?"

 "Jenny..." He sighed with frustration and looked me dead in the eye.

"No-n-n-n-No she...."

 "I'm sorry Jenny. Your mom told me to tell you to send you to new york for now. She got you an apartment that should last you for a year and when everything is said and done we'll bring you back home."

 "David is h-h-e-he alright?"

 "He's in a colma but he'll be fine."

 "New york?" "Tomorrow morning. Do you think you can handle that?"

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