Over doing it

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W.D Gaster  stood at his desk. papers where scattered everywhere. For days he had been trying to power the underground with a reliable source, but with no avail.He thought he could try to harness the power of one of human souls the king had,but souls where tricky, and dangerous. Just one false move, and the whole underground could be destroyed. Gaster sighed. Dark circles sank under his eye sockets, the most obvious sign of sleep deprivation. But he was determined. He sketched out some pieces f machinery that could possibly work. But with no source, what was the point?  He had  nothing. " come on... Think Gaster think." he muttered while tapping his knuckles against the side of his skull.
The lab was filled with the rhythm. tap tap tap, tap tap tap. The tapping went on for a good hour. But ,Sadly, nothing. Not one of his brilliant ideas. His mind was blank. He yawned. He should probably get some sleep. "I'll sleep when I have the time." He told himself. This was too important to worry about the little things. The whole underground depended on him. The king depended on him, for petes sake! Failure was not an option. Gaster  pulled the collar of his turtleneck higher up his neck. He could do this. But a little cleaning up was in order. His desk was a wreck. He shuffled out of his swivel seat.soon,Papers where organized. All of them hole punched, and placed into colored binders.  Broken pencils where tossed away. Wiped marks off the wooden table until it practically sparkled. He was exhausted. His head hurt. Every bone ached. "This is too important, you can sleep later. " he told himself. He raised his left hand, it glowed with a green light. He wasn't the best with healing magic, but he could heal small problems, like a headache or a skinned knee. Nothing too serious. He placed his hand on his skull, directly where it was throbbing. It Instantly felt better.

But Even with  the healing magic, Gaster still wore down.His movements slowed, his eyelids grew heavy. He didn't even notice Asgore standing in the doorway. Gaster had been in the lab for days, and he was worried. He walked in just as Gaster stumbled, his view going dark. Luckily Asgore caught him before he could hit the ground. The last thing he saw was Asgores face, riddled with concern, then it was nothing but black.

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