I won't say I can't live without you.
I can
I just don't want toI look at you
At your eyes
And the way light shadows off your face.
And think about all the things you tell me.
The things that came from the heartAnd I hate it...
I hate that look you give me , when you "tell me where you've been" and swear "you love me and wouldn't play me" with your eyes
Looking at you reminds me of the pain bestowed upon my heart, the confusion inserted in my mind and the and the "affection" placed on my persons
I don't want to remember you anymore, I've forgotten you
Now forget me
You've done it before
Now do it again
And don't come back
If forgetting me upsets you? Then great! Your absence broke me. Now let mine break you. Not as revenge. That's not my job. Revenge is in the hands of the creator. But as a release.
Releasing you from my life
Because you are too