By my Ancient Ancestral Ancestors of Native American Shaman, Celtic Druids, and Witch/Warlock magic I ask that through God, Goddess, Mother Earth, Jesus, and Holy Spirit that you make my mother Cynthia Torres-Cooks into Selene-Renesmee Carly Cullen and my father Michael Leigh McKee Jr into Michael-Jacob Black I'd have both my mother's and father's gifts, abilities, powers, and magic. I'd have my father's werepyre hybrid side and my mother's vampire hybrid side which would make me an Angelic Tribrid Werepyre Hybrid. My birth father would be born into a Native American and Celtic immortal family and his four father would be Alexander Corvinus and once he gets bitten by a Lycan and by my mother it unlocks his werepyre hybrid side. So when the two of my parents have sex they have me their son then I inherite what they have and more. My mother would be born into a vampire hybrid family and my father would be human but born with a strain that once he's bitten he becomes more but he has the same abilities as his Native American and Celtic Werewolf immortal parts and more. My mother inherites all of her traits from her family and the blood she drinks. I'd be able to do the same as my parents and more. I'd be able to have gifts like Renesmee, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Jasper, Bella, Carlisle, the Denali clan, friends, wolf pack, Selene, Michael, and Eve. I ask that through my Ancient Ancestral Ancestors that through God, Mother Earth, Jesus, and Holy Spirit that this spell comes true and all of the other spells I've said except for demon spells. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Spells #2
RandomYou can become a Native American/Celtic Werewolf but not just any werewolf but a true alpha