So THAT'S What Happened

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Jade ran her fingers along the blade of her knife. Her distorted reflection gazed back up at her, a hard glint in her eyes. Steve coughed pointedly beside her, and Jade's attention snapped back to him. "Got something you wanna get off your chest, Cap?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

Jade sighed, allowing her head to fall back against the wall. "What do you want to hear? That I'm scared? Pissed? Angry?"

"I want to know what happened between you and Loki." Steve's voice was kind, but his words were definite.

Jade bristled. "I don't see how that's your bloody business. Keep your nose out of it, savvy?"

"Jade. You're about to go into battle with the same Norse demi-god who screwed you over on your team. Whatever your beef with him is, you need to get it out in the open now. If you're distracted out there, you're dead. Start talking." Steve sat back and looked at Jade expectantly.

"Fine," she huffed. Jade closed her eyes for a moment, then began. "I had just gotten back from my patrol. I slipped into my room, took shower, got dressed and had a late dinner—same old, same old. But when I got back into my room..."

Eleven months ago...

"Hello, Jade." Loki grinned wearily at Jade from beside her bedroom window. Grumbling, Jade allowed the knife in her hand to slip from her fingers. "For the love of God, Loki. Use the bloody door!"

"Good to see you as well, luv."

"Sorry. Nice to see you, too. Use the bloody door."


"Seriously, Loki. For all I know, you could've been a serial—"

"Jade. I don't have time for this. I need to tell you something rather important."

Jade stopped her tirade. She shot Loki a wary glance, stepping closer. "Important how?"

Loki heaved a sigh, avoiding Jade's eyes. "I'm leaving Midgard. I don't now for how long, but that I leave tonight. All I know is that I won't be seeing you for a while, and wished to say farewell."

Jade's mouth snapped shut, and she slowly nodded her head. She chose her next words carefully. "You're in trouble again, in't you?"


"Don't 'Jade' me! You've mucked something up again, and now you're running from it. So don't come here and start lying to me. What did you do?"

"Jade. Don't be like this. I've told you of the precarious situation back in Asgard. If I keep dividing my time between you and what's now my kingdom, people will begin to get suspicious. I need to leave you here." Loki's gaze was unflinching, unreadable.

"You mean you're leaving me behind. I've become a problem for you, and now I need to go away. You're a complete and utter arse, Loki, you know that?" Jade snapped. "You're nothing but a coward with a God-complex!"

"Like you're much better, Taboo," Loki sniped back. It was a low blow, and it did the trick.

"Excuse me?" Jade ground out.

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