Chaper 1 five kids one boy

11 1 2

("Knock, knock")!!!. Yes? Mrs Murphy said as she opened the door. Its me Amanda I'm here to do babysitting. Oh yes she called out and invited me in. I looked around she had cracks on her walls and the carpet has brown stains. And the smell was like old rotten milk. She brought me to the living room where her son Adam sat on the dirty brown floor. He looked up at me with this evil look. He looked like he wanted to kill me. Adam this is Amanda. Go away! He yelled out. That's no way to talk to someone Adam Mrs Murphy said. No said Adam as he put his head down and said sorry. It's OK I said trying not to say something. I'll be back by 11:30 she said. She grabbed wallet and ran out the door. Do you want to play a game I asked Adam. No go away he screamed out. OK OK I said I'll go sit on the couch. I walk over to the couch and flop my weight on it. I took my phone out of my pocket and started to text my friend Amy.

(Amanda)"When are you coming to Mrs Murphy's house for babysitting?"

(Amy)"I'm on my way now text you when there"

(Amy)"And I'm bringing Jacob and Jenn"

(Amanda)"Oh OK. I'll invite Brian than"

(Amy)"OKAY we all know you like him"

(Amanda)"omg shut up I don't lol"

(Amy)"OK then 😉

Amy, Jacob,Jenn, arrive but Brian didn't I called him he didn't answer. We all start to panic. What if he's dead Amy said. I don't know I don't want to think like that I say to Amy. We all went out side to see if he's coming. Then we herd a scream. We all ran in and saw Adam was gone.

"Adam!!" We called out. "Are you in here!!" "No answer". I ran out the back door and looked around. Maybe he's in the woods. No I don't think he's that stupid Jacob said. Its worth a try isn't it. Yah it is Amy says. I start to walk in no one follows. "Hello!" Is anyone coming. (No one answers) fine I'll go alone than. I walk down a long narrow path and I see an opening I walk out and see a railroad track. I look up the track and see nothing. I walk back and then I herd a scream. I ran back and everyone was looking around. What was that I yell out. We don't know says Jenn.

I have to show you something I say to everyone. I start to walk into the forest. Everyone follows. I point at the railroad track. Then I hear Amy scream. A tall black figure was standing on the track. Hello. I called out then he disappeared into the forest. I look back. Who was that I ask as I hear a scream from the house.

It was Jenn she was looking right into the little boys eyes. He was lying there dead.

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