His Frown

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"I refuse"

"But my Lord, I feel that taking up a new instrument would be good for you."

"And why would that be so Sebastian? Doesn't the frustration from teaching me one instrument already scare you off?"

"Nonsense, for a human you did exceedingly well."

Pause. Eye roll. "That doesn't mean much to you though, does it?"

Evasive cough. "My opinion as a lowly butler should not matter to a person of your status. Piano is a lovely new challenge, forcing you to be able to read both bass and treble clef at the same time and improving your hand-eye reactions."



"This has nothing to do with the fact that you play piano the best?"

Ciel watched in amusement as his butler turned away to pour a pot of tea.

"You showoff, of course you would take care to rub my limitations in my face."

Sebastian turned back with a pleasant smile, laughter sparkling under closed eyelids.

"I must say your assumptions are baseless young master, for I can play every instrument with equal finesse. I do not have such mortal limitations."

"Arrogant fiend."

"No need to be aggressive my Lord."

Ciel groaned mentally at his servants nature. When had he begun to allow his demon to tease him so openly? He tried to think back but the years seemed to string together in a haze. The young man glowered, it seemed strange to consider that he lived long enough to become forgetful.

"You have no need to address me by young master anymore, I am hardly a child."

Ciel frowned when his butler sobered up almost immediately.

"That is true I suppose, your nineteenth birthday is coming up realtivly soon, isn't it? But you will still always be young compared to me."

The Earl deepened his marred expression.

"I never expected to live so long Sebastian."

He turned to face his servant,

"I have no idea how to proceed. I am to become married within the month, forcing Lizzie into something she will regret."

His stomach roiled at the thought.

"Soon I will need to produce an heir, entrapping another soul with the curse of this position."

Ciel softly slipped off the ring from around his forefinger. Holding it up gently he watched entranced at the tiny streaks of light that flickered off the gem, creating a even deeper royal blue.

"Do you find this amusing demon? Seeing another family fall apart?" He watched his butler's burning eyes staring at him, as if to intimidate him out of the topic. But what could he possibly do? Even if they were not bound by contract the thought of death was more welcoming than foreboding.

"Do you wish to tear me apart?"

He let the ring slip from his fingertips, the clattering sound on the wooden floor resounded throughout the room.

The Earl's eyes widened in shock at the imperceptible flinch found on Sebastian's face.

"Do you wish to die young master?"

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