Destiel One-Shots

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[[Hey everyone, I am currently sat all alone on a bus going on a school trip. My friends are Assbutts and they didn't want to come with me. So I thought. Hey! Let's write some Destiel! I will take any prompts you guys give me. <3 Enjoy! The first one is about Castiel buying a kitten with the help of Dean. Yes, they are together in this one. ]]

Castiel slowly walked into the pet shop, he yad been waiting a very long time to buy a kitten. Even when he was an angel. Cars has always confused him. They were... How do you put it... Strange. Yet caring. Cas liked that. So Dean had finally agreed to getting a kitten. So here they were, a Impala drive away, at the pet shop.

Cas looked back at Dean, who smiled and ushered him inside.

"Pick any one you like, Cas." Dean whispered to him. Castiel nodded and walked into the cat section, seeing a pen of tiny, playing kittens.

Cas smiled and rushed over to look at them. He looked over them, smiling widely as he knelt down and started stroking a small, grey kitten with blue eyes. "Dean... I like this one."

Dean walked over, hands deep in his pockets. "Want that one?" Cas nodded in return.

"Let's get that one then."


"Yeah," Dean said. "I said you can pick any."

Castiel smiled, picking the small kitten up in his arms and stroking its head as it purred and nuzzled closer in his warmth.

He went around the shop with Dean. picking out everything the kitten would need. Food, a bed, a collar. They went to the counter and paid for all it.

When they got outside, Cas kissed Dean on the cheek. "Thank you. This means a lot me."

Dean smiled and wrapped his free around Castiel's waist and walking to the car with him. "Anything for you, sweetheart... Just don't let that thing pee in my car."

[[Done! Tell me what you guts think! <3 ]]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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