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"Now this job requires alot of travelling, you won't spend too much time in one place and family life can be none existent. Its very much a hands on job" Clive the tour manager explained "But the guys are great fun to work with and after a while you become like a little family"

"Sounds perfect" Renee smiled a she watched Clive grab a hand full of paper work.

"Now your job is basically to make sure everything is organised properly, you will be in charge of arranging promotional gigs, interviews, event appearances. It'll be you jib to ensure all the equipment is correct and the guys arrive and leave smoothly and on you job for he next few months is basically to be their mother"

Renee blinked twice in amazement, it didn't sound like that much responsibility on paper. However she had been used to this type of work, and after Clare Reynolds (editor of Fashion magazine) thus job would be a piece of cake. I mean how hard cold it really be?

"Hey Clive have you seen the number for...oh shit sorry I didn't realise you were interviewing" Renee hesitated and tried to catch her breath.

"Oh no I've done with the interviews, this is Renee she'll be the new Clara" Clive replied "Renee this is Ryan"

"Hi" Ryan extended his hand and shook Renee's "Nice to meet you"

"Yeah you too" Renee smiled and looked to Clive.

"Hey Ryan why don't you introduce to the rest of the band while I call Joe about this?" Clive gestured towards the paperwork.

"What now?" Renee exclaimed and Clive chuckled.

"Yes they won't bite I promise" he seemed amused by Renee's reaction.

Renee followed Ryan out of the room "So Renee where are you from?"

"New Jersey" Renee replied "Lived there my whole life...well until I was 20 then went travelling for 2 years. Then moved to Florida...Shit sorry you don't need to know all of this"

"It's okay" Ryan laughed lightly "I like knowing people's background, especially people who I'll be working closely what did you do after travelling?"

Renee walked with Ryan through a maze of corridors "Erm I moved to New York with my husband" she continued.

"You're married?" Ryan seemed surprised as Renee looked quite young.

"I was, we separated last year" Renee half smiled and Ryan sensed the tension instantly.

"So what did you do when you lived in New York?" Ryan changed the subject quickly.

"I was Clare Reynolds PA" Ryan seemed surprised by Renee's response he had heard of this woman and how hard she was to work for.

"And you survived" Ryan laughed as they walked through a set of double doors "You want coffee?"

"Oh yeah please" Renee nodded "And yes Clare only really has a problem with people who don't know how to do their job"

"What about you? Did you know how to do your job?" Renee sensed a playful tone in Ryan's voice.

"I'll have you know I left my job Mr Tedder I was not fired" she smirked oh my God did I just flirt with Ryan tedder? She thought to herself as she sipped her coffee.

"Right okay come on I'll introduce you to everyone" Renee followed Ryan to the bigger and lighter part of the room "Hey guys you got a minute? This is Renee, our new Clara apparently"

"Oh hey I'm Drew" Drew smiled lifted a hand, he didn't leave his seat though.

"I'm Zach" Zach made more of an effort and shook Renee's hand.

"That's eddie" Ryan pointed to Eddie who was sat behind a glass window with headphones on. He was playing his drums "Zach where's Brent?"

Renee just sipped her coffee and looked around at what could only be described as a disaster zone. There were loose cables and empty instrument boxes scattered all over the place "He's outside on his phone" Drew replied.

"Again?" Renee sensed a tone of concern in Ryan's voice "Everything okay?"

"Who knows" Drew shrugged and Ryan turned to Renee.

"That's everyone, apart from Brian but you can meet him later he's out at the moment" Ryan half smiled as he watched Renee's eyes searching the room "A little crazy right?"

"Just a bit" Renee chuckled "Oh do you have a smoking area?" Ryan frowned and Renee's question.

"You smoke?" He asked and Renee laughed a little.

"No I just like to stand in a cloud of other people's smoke from time to time...yes I smoke" Renee teased, she wasn't sure if Ryan appreciated her sarcasm though. He just stared blankly at her.

"It's out there" he pointed towards a small door that leads out into a garden.

"Thanks do you mind if I...?" Renee took a packet of cigarettes out of her shoulder bag.

"Course not" Ryan replied and watched curiously as she headed outside "So what do you guys think?"

"Well she's certainly hotter than Clara" Eddie grinned widely.

"Yep" Zach agreed.

"Come on guys I mean professionally, do you think she'll be any good?" Ryan looked at Drew who shrugged again.

"Won't know until she tries will we, she seems nice though. And you've gotta admit Eddie's right she's gorgeous, you can't say you haven't notice Ry" Drew replied and Ryan nodded with a smile.

"Yeah okay, she's not exactly awful to look at" he picked up his guitar and started strumming to tune it.

"Sorry about that" Clive came into the room "Where's Renee?"

"Outside" Ryan pointed to the door.

"She smokes too, awesome" Clive seemed happy Renee smoked. He spent most of his time outside smoking alone.

Clive grabbed a cigarette out of the packet in his pocket and went outside to join her "Yeah I know that, but how much longer is it going to take? I can't keep hanging on like this..." Renee was talking on her cellphone when Clive went outside to speak with her. He held back until she had finished "I've gotta go, I'll call you tonight" Renee turned and looked a little worried when she saw Clive standing behind her.

"Now that Ryan's introduced you to everyone how would you feel about going with them to a promotional gig tonight? Give you a chance to see how everything works" Clive used Renee's lighter to light his cigarette.

"Yeah okay that sounds good" Renee agreed, although she had experience in her job role, the nature of the job was new to her.

"Great well get down to the studio at 6.30 and we will meet you there" Clive smiled.

Renee finished her cigarette and headed back inside, Ryan watched as she headed back towards the coffee machine "More coffee anyone?" She asked and Eddie and Drew accepted her offer. Brent had now come back inside and had headed over to introduce himself. "Ryan do you want coffee?"

"No I'm good thanks" Ryan replied as he continued to watch her. She seemed to mix so effortlessly with everyone. Ryan had a good feeling about Renee, all she needed to do now was prove she was up to her job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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