Chapter Fourteen

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Mokita - Broken Parts

Craig gasps as he shoots up from the bed, panting. Colorful pictures flutter back into his lap, settling calmly like nothing happened. Craig spots that Tyler isn't next to him, and an irrational fear takes over. Craig quickly places all the pictures into the drawer, running out into the hall even though his limbs are still sleep half asleep.

"Whoa! Slow down!" Delirious jumps as they almost run into each other. "Tyler's fiiiiine, idiot. Go be the worried wife, I guess." Delirious snickers before Craig has a chance to speak, walking past him casually. Craig can barely regester what he heard from the worry and guilt swirling in his gut, too panicky to even blush the slightest bit. Craig's anxiety is getting the worst of him as he travels through the maze like house, looking down what feels like thousands of unfimiliar hallways and walking down seemingly hundreds of fimillair ones. Is the anxiety wasn't doing this, it was the half asleep state Craig was stuck in for no apparent reason. The walls were swirling and the floor was tilting like Craig has just spun in circles, but he stumbled further into the troubling halls.

"You didn't keep him safe!" Tylers mother screams into Craig's ear. Craig jumps and tumbles against the wall, blinking dumbly as a lady with blood running down her collar bone and bruising finger marks around her neck stands in front of him. "I.. I tried... I'm s.. sorry..." Craig gulps, but the lady is beyond unimpressed. "My son is dead because of you!" She snaps, and Craig swallows thickly. "N.. no.. no no he's f-fine. I know he is!" Craig denies this fact, and the mother frowns. "Wake up." She orders.

Craig's eyes fly open, and he sits up as fast as he can. Relief smacks Craig like a tidal wave as he finds Tyler is next to him, sleeping with bandages wrapped around his body. Craig's small fingers quickly work at the clasps of the bandages, pulling them away as slowly as he can. The stitches are well done, tight and even. Craig runs his fingers along the bruised skin, feeling the stitches pass under his fingers, smiling as Tyler doesn't stiffen with pain. Craig will have to thank Brock and Evan later. Though, he's sure Brian and Delirious are already doing so.

Craig rewraps the bandages, clipping the clasps back in place carefully. Craig rests his head on Tyler's shoulder, slinging an arm across his chest and holding onto his other shoulder. "Hurts to talk...." Tyler mumbles, wrapping an arm around Craig's waist. "Thank you for... staying...." He continues, and Craig blushes before nodding against Tyler's shoulders. "You were awake." He states, and Tyler laughs breathlessly. "Yeah.... You woke up... pretty suddenly... You okay?..." Tyler asks, and Craig hums. "Better then you, that's for sure. Go to sleep Tyler, you'll heal faster." Craig explains, and Tyler coughs. "Now you really.. sound like.. my mother... fuck healing...." He smiles, pulling Craig even closer and turning his cheek to look down at the smaller. "Go to sleep, idiot." Craig snorts, tightening his grip on Tyler's shoulders. Tyler grumbles, repeating what Craig said in a nagging tone before closing his eyes.

"Sleep well, asshole." Craig mutters, and Tyler snickers. "I have a stomach hole too."


For once, Tyler wakes up first. He stares at the ceiling for a bit, clinging to Craig like he's the lifeline holding Tyler together. Craig snores softly and hugs Tyler's arm, keeping him close. Tyler smiles warmly, pulling Craig closer dispite the pain from his surgery. Craig nuzzles into Tyler's neck, still asleep but mumbling softly. Tyler strains to listen, and worry takes over as he hears Craig whimper.

Hold on.


That's.. that's an emotion, right?

Craig crushes Tyler's arm, his breath quickening against Tyler's neck. Tyler reaches over dispite his stitches and runs his hand on Craig's hair, trying to comfort him. "Craig.. wake up.." Tyler whispers, combing Craig's hair back from his face and tilting the smallers chin to see his eyes flutter open.

Craig looks up at Tyler and hugs him soundlessly, careful of his stitches. "Are you okay?" Tyler asks softly as Craig hides his face, smiling weakly as Craig nods slightly. "You can tell me if you had a nightmere. Did you?" Tyler asks, and Craig nods. "Wanna talk about it?" Tyler asks, and Craig smirks as he thinks of a snide comeback. "I wanna talk about why you're so caring lately." He sneers, and Tyler finds himself blushing.


"'Cos I can." Tyler says, covering up what he said. "Ugh, fine. You're annoying, you know?" Craig huffs, and Tyler snickers. "You know it buttercup." He sneers, and Craig rolls his eyes before turning his back to Tyler. "Baaaabyyyyyyy~ don't be maaaaaaaad~" Tyler purrs, and Craig blushes madly. "Shut up." He grumbles, stuffing his face into the pillow. "Hunnnnnn~" Tyler stops himself from snickering, and Craig is done with these games.

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