1 - Jealous

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"OMG I cannot believe Justin asked me out like I'm so happy," cries Amy, my best friend. It is quite surprising actually. We are the type of people that aren't noticed at school. Justin is a football player, with girls lining up for him. But he chose my best friend Amy, a non-popular teenage girl that spends her spare time reading textbooks. I wouldn't blame him actually. Amy is one of the more pretty girls in our school. She has beautiful blonde locks that curl past her shoulders, and bright green eyes that extenuates her beautiful facial features. I'm surprised she isn't a cheerleader, or hanging out with them anyways. Instead she hangs out with me and our other friends, as I said, people that don't really get noticed around school.

"I'm happy for you," I say, smiling at her.

"Aw, me too, I just can't believe it. Okay, well let's go to the cafeteria, I'm so hungry," she says, guiding me towards our school cafeteria.

We walk in to the buzz of hungry teenagers. We take our usual seats with our other friends, Katie and Libby, and start eating our food. We start talking about the upcoming exams, when my best friend Will comes towards our table.

"Oooo, hotty alert," whispers Libby, looking right at me. I roll my eyes at her. She has theories that Will likes me, but it is so not true. We're only best friends. Right?

Plus, Will is the captain of the football team, and is one of the most popular guys in our school. Why would he like a girl like me? Oh, and not to mention that he has a girlfriend. Oh, good old Nicky. She has brunette locks that pass her shoulder, and big hazel eyes. She's absolutely gorgeous, but she is a total bitch. She is one of those girls who knocks down people's books when they are walking down the hallway. I don't even know what Will sees in her.

"Hey Indie," he says, sliding into the seat next to me. My heart immediately starts to beat faster. Why is that?

"I was just wondering if you were coming to the party this Saturday?" he asks.

"Ooooo what party?" asks Katie.

"Oh, it's at Aiden's house, you guys should come, and I wouldn't mind seeing you in nice clothes," says Will, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and nudge his shoulder. But a smile creeps up on my face.

"Sure, we'll go!" says Libby.

"Cool, well see you then," says Will, walking to his table.

All the girls look at me.

"What?" I say.

"Omg, he soooo likes you," says Libby, nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah omg like it's so obvious," says Katie.

"Hey, remember that girl he's sitting next to right now, yeah, that's his girlfriend!" I snap, walking out of the cafeteria. I walk through the hallway, going to my locker.

Why do I even care if he has a girlfriend? I realise now how rude I was to the girls. I sigh in exasperation, and walk to class.


"How was school sweetie," says my mum, as I walk through the front door.

"It was okay," I say.

"Hey, well if anything is wrong, you can always come talk to me," my mum says, holding my shoulders.

"Everything's fine," I say giving her a convincing smile. I walk upstairs to my room, and lie in bed. I'm so tired from today, I don't think I can open my eyes. In that moment, my phone buzzes. It's a text message.

Will: come 2 the G quickly. It's urgent.

'The G' refers to 'The Grove', which is a park we always go to. It's kind of like our own thing I guess. I'm happy no one else knows about it. It's like our own secret place that no one will know about. I put on my shoes and get my car keys. I drive to the park, to see Will sitting on the swing, playing with his shirt. He seems nervous, I think, as I park my car. I walk towards the swing set. Will notices me straight away.

"Hey thanks for coming," he says, as he hugs me tightly. What is going on? This is the most nervous I have seen him.

"I just brought you here to show you this," he says, pulling out a ring box. Wait, what? He's going to propose to me?! I mean where only best friends and we haven't been friends for a while-

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing to you, but only if you want to," he says, wriggling his eyebrows. He probably saw my face of shock. I start to blush. He opens the box, to reveal a silver band.

"Why are you showing me this?" I ask.

"It's a promise ring. I'm giving it to Nicky." Of course he is.

"And I guess I just needed help from my best friend," he says, blushing. Aw, that's so sweet.

"Of course, I'm willing to help you. But I just think you don't need my help. You'll be absolutely fine. You're a natural!" I exclaim a bit too loudly. I start to blush. Will laughs.

"Yeah I think I just needed my best friend with me," he says.

"Well, when are you going to give it to her?"

"Right now." I nearly explode.

"Wait, what? Where?"

"Here. I just wanted to do it as soon as possible."

"Wait you're going to give it to her at The Grove. But likes that's our thing. I thought that that was only between us!" I snap.

"I didn't think you would be that upset. It still will be our place, but only she's going to know about it. Indie, she's my girlfriend. I think she can know about it."

I cannot believe this.

"How do you know what she should or shouldn't know," I say, getting agitated, "especially if it's our secret place."


"Whatever," I say, walking away from him. I hear him calling my name out, but I choose to ignore him. Just as I get into my car, Nicky struts up to Will. Oh no. She hugs him way to tightly, and sloppily kisses him. Ew, this is disgusting. But then again, why am I still here. I don't start the car. What I do is keep watching. They kiss for what feels like hours, until he stops her, and puts on a serious face. Oh god he's going to do it. He takes out the box. Oh god I'm about to throw up. He opens it, and she gasps. This is so cheesy. He puts the ring on her hand, and she grabs him, and kisses him again. Before I throw up, I start the engine and drive away. And then I realise how angry I am at Will. He showed her our secret place. And he doesn't care. He thinks its fine. I stop the car somewhere, who knows where, and I start to cry. I cry and cry for a very long time. Why am I crying? I feel so pathetic.

But then I start to think. Really think. And then I realise.

This is what it feels like to love someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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