Running away

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After getting princess yona from there I was running to find away out of the palace I met min so ( I think that his name ) he was holding princess yora who was shaking and her eyes were closed " what happened? " " she was in the king's room like this I don't know what happened ?" I took her in my arm her skin was so cold then I held princess yona hand waiting for min soo to clear the way.when he did we immediately ran away out of the palace. We started walking to my home village. After a while of walking yona started to feel tired so we took a break. Yona sat under a tree I placed yora beside her then I went to get something to eat.

yora POV
When I opened my eyes all what I saw was trees when I turned I saw yona asleep beside me " oh princess yora, you woke up ?" I know this voice I turned to see hak standing with fruits in his hand I just stared at him with teary eyes he bent down to me gave something to but I shook my head not wanting to eat he sat infront of me and said " I know this is hard but you can't go back in palace right now but I will take you and yona to safe place so no need to worry now close your eyes and sleep a bit" I nodded at him , he smiled then patted my head. I closed my eyes but then the night start to repeat infront of when I opened my eyes again I was scared " yora , are you ok ?" That was yona I turned to her and nodded she smiled. Then we started walking again

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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