Part 2: Offical Girlfriend

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Nishinoya: "What!!??!! You actually got a girlfriend?!!!"

Hinata: "!!! She's so pretty!! How did you get her as your girlfriend??!!! What did you say to her to make her go out with you????"

You: "Actually... I am the one who asked him if I could be his girlfriend."

Tanaka: "What the!! Kageyama, a girl this pretty asked you out??!! HOW?!!??! Wait, wait.. y/n... What did you like about Kageyama?????! He is stupid, mean, and..."

Tanaka came to a stop as Kageyama glared at him.

Nishinoya: ".....Kageyama......!!! How can you betray us by getting a girlfriend!??!!!?!"

Daichi: "g...guys, I know this is a big surprise, but we have to start practicing. Oh, and  y/n, do you have any clubs that you signed out for?

You: "No... I didn't. I wanted to go in the girls volleyball team, but all of my friends didn't want to do it, and I didn't want to be lonely."

Daichi: "! Do you know volleyball?"

You: "Yes, I was in the team that represented Japan in middle school for the world volleyball middle school match.

Daichi: "WOW!! That is incredible! Can you please be our manager for the Karasuno boy's volleyball team along with Kiyoko and Yachi?"

You: "Of course!! I would really love to!!!"

Daichi: "Great! Now we have a new Karasuno member. Welcome to Karasuno, y/n!


You: "Thank you, everyone!!"

Kiyoko: "Welcome to Karasuno, y/n-chan. I'll be helping you as much as I can~"

You: "Thanks, Kiyoko-san!"

Yachi: "OOOOHH~~ y/n!! You're sooo pretty!!!! Are you actually Kageyama's girlfriend???

You: Blushing: "Yes! I am :) Today, I told him that I liked him and that I want to be his girlfriend. And he said yes!!

Yachi: "That's so romantic~~ It's a surprise, because there were some girls before you that I saw telling Kageyama that they liked him, but he refused all of THEM."

You: "Really?? I didn't know that. How come he said yes to me?"

Yachi: "Well, you are so pretty and cute! Nobody can refuse your proposal! If I was a boy, I would have had a crush on you or something XD"

You: "thank you Yachi-chan~~ you're really cute and nice!!~~"

Kiyoko: "Here, y/n, these are your clothes for officially becoming our Karasuno member. Change into these and come back quickly~"

You: "Okay, Kiyoko-senpai!"

You rush and change your clothes and come back as quickly as possible.

Daichi: "okay guys! Today we will be practicing inside.."

Takeda-sensei: (Bursting throught the door) GREAT NEWS, PEOPLE!! We will be having a practice match today with Nekoma!!!

Coach Keishin: "Wow, really? Thank you, sensei. When is it?"

Takeda-sensei: "The match is in 4 hours, and we will go to Nekoma. They provided us a bus to ride, so we don't have to worry about anything!"

Coach Keishin: "Great! (looking at the time) It takes about 3 hours to go to Tokyo from here, so we should start going now. Guys, get reddy!"

Volleyball team: "OSU!!!"

You rush as you pack the member's stuff. Kageyama comes over and puts the big heavy bag that you were carrying onto his left shoulder.

Kageyama: "Here, I'll help."

You: [blushing]"T..thank you."

You were looking down at the ground, but you could feel that Kageyama was staring at you.

You felt something warm grab your hand. You, surpised, looked at your left, and you saw Kageyama was looking away from you as he grabbed your hand. You smiled and held his hand tighter. Then he said something:

Kageyama: "Hey, y/n. Can I tell you something?

You: "What is it?"
Kageyama: "I lied about something... I... um... told you that I didn't know you well, right?

You: "Well... Yes. Why??"

Kageyama: "... I knew you a lot."
You: "?"
Kageyama: "When I first saw you, I was in middle school. Back then, you were in the same school as me, but you weren't in any of my classes. I.. kind of liked you since then. The reason I came to this school after was mostly because I found out that you were planning to attend to this school.

You: "!! Then... You also like me??"

Kageyama: "Why would I agree to date a person that I don't know? Of course I like you..."

Kageyama's face was really red. You smiled and hugged him.
You: "Thank you for telling me Kageyama. I love you.

Kageyama: "I l..lo....v..."

You couldn't stop your laugh, because it was really cute, seeing Kageyama trying to say "Love" he was too embarrased to say it~

You: "Kageyamaaa I can't here what you are saying~~" you teased.

Kageyama bit his lips as he said:

Kageyama: " I was trying to say {small voice}I"

You: "What?"

Kageyama: "I LOVE YOU~~~!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone else on the Karsuno team looked back at us.

Hinata: "... did Kageyama just say the word love...? I only heard that word from him once... He was like "I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!~ and that was the only time I ever heard him say that."

Tanaka: "... first graders... STOP FRICKING ACTING LIKE YOU GUYS ARE THE ONLY ONE'S HERE!! No dating in front of my sight! I'm so f***king jealous erg.. you friking lovebirds..... SCREW YOU KAGEYAMA 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

Kageyama: "sss.. senpai, sorry.."

You laugh as you hold Kageyama's hand again.

Let's go, Kage-kun~~

Kageyama, surprised that he got a nickname said: "Okay, let's go"

We got into the bus, at the back. At the far left sat Kageyama, right to that sat me, then next sat Hinata, and at the far right sat nobody. As we headed for Tokyo, us three talked about our lives. We told Hinata that we liked each other since Middle school, and Hinata asked:

Hinata: "Is that why you don't pay any attention to other girls? Because you like y/n?"

Kageyama: "Well, of course... 

Hinata: "wwww that's so sweet of you Kageyama kkkkk ahahahahah"

Kageyama: [getting red] HINATA BOKE!! BOKEEEE!!!

Tsukishima: "Kageyama, shut up"

Kageyama: "...."

You relize that you are very tired today, after so many things happened at once. Also, you couldn't sleep last night thinking about what I would do when Kageyama refuses me.

You can feel yourself slowly falling asleep....


Done!! More than 1000 words! Wow!! Thank you for reading~~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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