boy or girl?

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prod pov

today me and jalyn is going to the doctor office to see our baby I picked her up and we headed there

prod:ima sign in


I went and wrote her name down and sat next her I grabbed her free hand she looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back

nurse:jalyn Crippen

prod:right here


prod:yes mrs.Crippen now come

I pulled her softly and followed the nurse into the ultrasound room

nurse:ok jalyn now lay down so we can start

she obey the lady and did what she was told the nurse left up her shirt and pull the gel on jalyn was holding my hand but squeezed when the gel hit her stomach the nurse put the thingy on and start looking for my baby

nurse so what do yall want

prod:a boy

jalyn:a girl

we looked at each like stfu

nurse:well this is a........GIRL!!!!!!!!!!


prod:damn but yeah imma have a daughter

jalyn: lol

prod:whats that sound

nurse:thats the baby heart

I looked and saw my baby girl I had a tear coming I tried to hold It in but it failed the nurse took a picture of her then wiped the gel off I help jalyn down and she gave us the picture and we walked back to the car and drove to my house I carried jalyn in cause she fell asleep and put her in my room I took off my shoes and went to look for jayla so she can make me something to eat



I went to her door and knocked still no response so I opened it I heard the shower running so I opened it


jayla:why do you keep on doing that knock next time!

prod:nigga u my sister idgaf what u got we took a bath together

jayla:whatever what do u want

prod:can u make me something to eat

jayla:whatever Craig


I closed the door and went back into my room and watched jalyn sleep 30 mins later I smelled something good cooking

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to see what she was cooking

prod:what u cooking

jayla:chicken and fries

prod:ok do u wanna know the sex of the babay


prod:its a girl


prod: Ikr I wanted a b(gco)

jalyn:but a girl will be better

jayla: lol yall crazy and cute awe

prod:thank you


she finished cooking and we ate I cant believe Imma be a daddy

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