2. Barry

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Hozier,  From Eden

I went over to Viv's after church, and of course she had plenty of questions. But I didn't have an answer for any of them. I don't know why I followed him out, I don't even know why I looked back at him. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I did, just confused on why. Then I realized just how much my promise backfired on me. I didn't go to church everyday, I only went on sundays with my parents. So I wouldn't even get to see him till then. I sighed and fell back on Vivian's bed. She glared at me and hit my shoulder multiple times. 

"Vivian, that doesn't hurt." I mumbled.

"I don't care, who is this guy?" She demanded an answer but I just shrugged.

"I don't know Viv. I have actually no clue." I groaned out.

"Well it isn't like Eden is that big. We will probably run into him before sunday." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Look Xander, I don't think going after him is the right thing to do." She said, biting on her lip. I just gave a humorless chuckle.

"Yes Vivian I know." I looked up to her roof," If I pursue this dream of mine I'll end up getting hurt. My parents won't accept that. Neither will yours. Nor will the town." I let my disappointment taint my voice as well as my facial expression.

"Oh Xander." Vivian said, she bent down and wrapped her arms around me, and I did the same to her. Finding comfort from my best friend's arms. 

"Alexander, Vivian, dinner is ready." I heard Vivian's mother calling out. Viv sighed and gave me a sympathetic smile before grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs. I sat down in between Viv and Darrian. Tyson across from him, and Emaline across from Viv. Vivian's mother was at one end of the table, her father seated across from her. Hail was beside Emaline, and little Matt was across from me in his highchair.

"Jed is coming home right now, and he is bringing a new friend." Vivian's mother, Claire, stated happily. Jed doesn't have many friends for a 15 year old but I'm sure he will get his fair share eventually. 

"That's great what is his name?" Tyson asked.

"I think his name is B something. Hm, Brock? Barry. Yes that sounds about right. I think it's Barry." Claire smiled at little Tyson. Tyson nodded and smiled back. 

I always felt so out of place at Viv's. I mean her house is basically a barbie doll house. Complete with little blonde barbie dolls. Vivian always told me that my natural auburn hair wasn't bad, but compared to my blonde mother and my black haired father, It was hard not to feel terribly different. Curse you grandma.

The door opened and multiple little steps came in and we saw Jed and Barry, if that is his name. Jed looked kind of disheveled and Barry didn't look any better. But they both took their seats beside Darrian. 

"Hello mother, this is my new friend Ben." Jed gestured to Barry. Well Claire was wrong. Tyson chuckled and Claire smiled, seemingly unphased by her mistake.

"Well hello Ben, it's nice to meet you." Claire nodded at Ben as he smiled back, "The pleasure is all mine ma'am." He stated softly. 

"Why are you two so messy?" Vivian's father's voice broke through the silence. He was a big strong man, who looked like some sort of blonde thug. He was actually a teddy bear but you couldn't tell just by looking at him.

"Well, we ran from his house because we didn't want to be late." Jed had a big tooth showing smile as he rubbed his neck. Norman just smiled back and shook his head. Ben seemed to relax after that and I was too busy sticking my tongue out at Matt as he did it back. 

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