Cameos- cam/eos, A short appearance in a film
catastrophe- cata/astrophe, a lot of destruction
characteristic- chara/acteristic, easy to recognize
circumference- circum/ference, measurement around circle
colleague- coll/egaue, someone you work with
confiscation- con/fisca/tion,to take property away
considerable- con/fis/ca/able, large enough to effect a human
continuous- con/tin/uous,continuing without stopping
critique-cit/ique, a detailed idea
deficiency-de/fic/ency, a lack of something
deterrent-det/er/rent, something that makes likely to do
dilemma- dil/em/ma,a suggestion that is difficult
discrepancy- dis/cre/pancy, a difference between two amounts
endeavor- end/eavor, to try hard
abstain-ab/stain,to chose not to vote
acoustics-ac/ous/tics,relating to sound
acquittal-ac/qu/ittal,inafishbowl statement
advantageous-ad/vant/tag/eous,helpful and likely
amnesty-amn/esty,in fishbowl order
anonymous-an/on/ymous,unknown by name