Chapter 1

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Yeru's POV

It was 3am. It had been an hour since I packed my duffle bag and jumped out my bedroom window. An hour since I ran away. I felt free, free from all the bullshit that's been thrown my way.

I was in the city now and there were a lot of people out. I was walking around not really having a destination in mind but ended up at a park.

It was cold and all I had on was a tank top and some skinny jeans. I put my duffle on a bench and started rummaging through it until I found my purple hoodie. I zipped up my duffle and proceeded to walk to these little tent set up along the streets. In the tents people were selling different things from fishing rods to jewellery.

As I was walking a lady stopped me. "Hey, you look down, how about you get one of these" She said while pointing at the little decorative items sitting on the table in front of her.
"Oh, I'm good but thanks for the offer" I said and continued walking.

But I heard a voice shout "Please just one you can even have it for free" She said. The look she gave me was of pure desperation which confused me greatly. But I went over to the table and picked a large purple jewel off of it.

"Thank you, have a nice day"I said.

I placed the jewel in my duffle and keep on walking. I needed to find a place to stay tonight since home wasn't an option.

I eventually found some old beat up motel that I wouldn't be surprised if someone had been murdered in it. It looked nasty but it was all I could afford for now.

I walked into the small motel room and looked around. In its bearings it contained old rotten curtains and a dusty old TV and a bed I was 99.9% sure I could catch a disease from.

I ended up sitting criss cross on the floor and watching TV for the most of the night before I decided to look at the Jewel I got earlier from the lady at the tents.
It didn't really look special to me so I wondered why she'd give me a purple jewel that was probably fake.

I stared at it for a long time before throwing it across the room and returning my attention back to the TV. After 5 minutes of watching TV I saw something in the corner of my eyes almost like a blue light. I looked and saw blue smoke arising from the jewel.

I just looked at it confused. Eventually all the smoke started to affect me and I was coughing and hacking. And then all I saw was black.


"Hello wake up please..." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and was meet with brown eager ones.

"You guys she awake!" The guy yelled.

"Um where am I?" I asked. I looked and saw I was on a very cold floor.

"Mount JYP" The guy answered.

I didn't get to reply to what he said because I suddenly was flooded by 6 other guys.

"Jackson back up, give her some space, She's probably scared to death" One of the guys said and put his hand out for me to shake. "My name is YoungJae, Nice to meet you."

"My name's Yeru" I said.

He smiled really big and said "We already know that."

I raised and eyebrow but didn't
Have time to ask how they knew my name because everyone started introducing themselves to me. I found it extremely weird that they all had names of mythological gods I learned about in school.

After they all introduced themselves to me I asked once again "Where am I?"

"Mount JYP"BamBam said.

"What?" I asked generally confused.

"What do they teach you kids now of days." Jackson says as he helps me off the floor.

I never really looked at my surroundings but know that I did I realized I wasn't no where near that trashy motel I was in earlier. Instead I was in a beautiful Throne room filled with seven thrones. And next to my feet was the purple Jewel. I picked it up and remembered the blue smoke that came out of it and observed the object in my hand before hearing Junior's Voice boom .

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

"Some old lady selling stuff gave it to me?" I said. Not really thing much of the situation .

"What did this Particular lady look like?" He asked.

"Not very tall, very tan skin. She had on a green dress and her eyes were gray" I said. After my description all seven boys Gasped.

"What's wrong?" I asked. They seemed to be talking to each other with their eyes.

"Why would she do that?" Mark asked.

"It doesn't make any sense" BamBam added.

"Maybe she has a legit reason" Yugyeom said.

"Okay why don't we just call her and ask" Jaebum suggested.

"Um excuse me but what is happening?" I said.

"Shhhhh" They all said at the same time.

Jaebum proceeded in calling whoever he was calling and told us that the person would be here shortly. Literally 3 minutes later the old lady who gave me the jewel appeared next to Youngjae.

"Hello Eomma" Youngjae greeted.

"Hello my sweet youngjae" The lady cooed. "Now why have my son's called upon me?" She asked.

"Why does this human have a portal?" BamBam asked.

The lady looked at me and instantly smiled like the Grinch and came and hugged me.

"Isn't she just the most beautiful girl you ever seen?!" She screeched.

"Still doesn't explain why she has a portal " Jackson huffed.

"She has a portal because, I feel like she's special and has a gift and needs to be around others just like her" The lady announced.

"So you're saying you think she's a Demi-god" Mark said.

"Yes maybe even a highly ranked goddess" The lady said.

"Mom you can't keep doing this" Jackson said.

"Have I been wrong once?" The lady asked but didn't wait on a reply before answering her own question. " Nope I have never been wrong all of you doubted me when I said Jin had powers but look at him now, he's the god of beauty."

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Jackson said. "I swear sometimes you're worse thank Eric."

The lady just rolled her eyes at Jackson.

"So I ask all of my 7 sons to look after this girl until we know for sure wether or not she has powers" she said.

They all gave some type of reply of acceptance but I was standing here truly confused as to what was occurring.

But eventually the nice boy Youngjae came and explained it all to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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