Tobirama Oneshot!

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~As kids~

"Hah, you're funny Hashirama." You laugh as you try not to fall out the tree you're in. 

"Why don't you wanna go out with me!?" Yells Hashirama pouting on the ground. He was with his two brothers, Itama and Tobirama.

"Because I like someone else." You say as your face goes stoic. "Oh and my condolences for your brother Kawarama. He was such a sweet kid."

"Thank you." Says Tobirama. "And I hope you're doing fine with the loss of your whole clan." 

"AW HIS VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL." You thought to yourself not paying attention. 

"(Y/N)!" Yells the impatient Hashirama. 

"Wha-What!?" You yell as you lose your balance and fall. "OH NUGGETS!" You were expecting to hit the hard ground but you felt the warmth of arms cradling you.

"You need to stop daydreaming about dango." Giggles Tobirama. 

"Uh yeah, yeah." You say as Tobirama gently puts you down. 

"Mmhmm, so who do you like." Says Hashirama as he glares at you. 


"Hmmp, yeah yeah, anyways. Who is this person you have affection for!?" Ask Hashirama looking as if he's ready to go sprint and catch the guy.

Tobirama's P.O.V.

Hmmm, I wonder who she likes. I know it's not me, though I wish it was. I've always liked her more than a friend.

"Yes, who is this person you like?" Asks Tobirama. 

"Hm, do you guys really want to know?" Says (y/n) with a grin. 

"Yes!" Yells Hashirama. 

No one's P.O.V.

"Oh it's Itama." You say stoically waiting for their reactions. 

"WHAT!?!!??!?" Yells Hashirama, Tobirama, and Itama. Hashirama then glares at Itama. 

"ITAMA, WE SHALL DUEL FOR HER LOVE." Yells Hashirama darting towards Itama. 

"BUT I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER!" Yells Itama running away. 

"Oh so you like Itama." Says Tobirama a little disappointed while you two sit next to each other and watch Itama get chased by Hashirama.

"Nah, I just wanted to see your reactions. I don't have a thing for Itama." You say giggling. 

"Oh, so who do you like then?" Asks Tobirama.

"Hm, the person I like is you Tobirama." You say as you giving Tobirama a kiss on the cheek and poof away. 

"HEY TOBIRAMA! I SAW THAT!" Yells Hashirama.

"Yep, she only said Itama to just see our reactions, turns out she likes me." Says Tobirama smiling.

"THIS IS WAR TOBIRAMA!" Yells Hashirama as he chases Tobirama back home instead of chasing Itama back home. 

~A couple years later~

"Hey Tobirama! I see your with your three man team!" You say as you jump down from a tree.

"I see you're still climbing trees these days. Shouldn't you be training your three man team?" Asks Tobirama. 

"Mmhmm, they all died." You says stoically.

"WHAT!?" Yells Tobirama.

"Geez, you still can't tell the difference between my real voice and sarcastic voice." You giggle as you elbow him in the stomach. "They're all sick and stuck in bed."

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