Chapter Eight

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---- The Masters' POV----

I just wanted him to learn not to disobey me.

My hands rubbed one of Cameron's since it was cold.

They said he would be okay, but its been two days and he hasn't woken up.

The monitor was still going strong thankfully. I sighed laying my head on his chest, lightly.

"I'm so sorry baby.." I whispered broken-heartedly.

----Camerons POV----

I shuffled around in the grass, nuzzling it. So soft. My relaxtion ended quickly thanks to some footsteps that made me stop and sit up alert.

No ones here? But the steps were getting quieter.

Something told me to follow so I did just that, letting my ears guide me. My body approached a woman who was cross-legged on a blanket, facing me.

"I knew you'd come sooner or later.." She declared. I shuddered, feeling a chill go down my spine.

"Who're you?" I ask. She smiled, showing perfect, straight, white teeth.

"I have many names but you may call me Tanae." She replied. I nodded, eyeing her. Tanae was dressed in a white dress although barefoot, and what looked like a floating, white circle above her head. I cocked my head to the side. She giggled, clearly enjoying my confusion.

"Do you know what I am?" She asked. I closed my eyes, hoping it was a dream but slumped in defeat when she was still there.

"A cool magician?" My reply was. She facepalmed. I jumped, shocked.

Didn't that hurt?

"I'm an angel sweety. And you need to do something." She answered, looking at me seriously. I frowned.

"Makes sense but why are you here?" I muttered. She was ruining my day.

"Because... I'm here to ask if you want to go home or come with me?" I blinked taken by surprise by the question.

"Am I dead?" I whispered. She shook her head, slowly.

"No. In between dead and alive. The waiting place for souls." She said. My hearing dulled til she was mumbling.

I was starved to death and stuff. Because of Master. Because of my relations with the boy. I sighed.

"And I get to choose?" I mumbled. She nodded in sympathy.

I clenched then unclenched my fist. She watched speechless for a moment.

"Think rational... There are people on earth who need you." She rambled on. My eyes widened.

"You don't want me to go to heaven?" I asked. She stopped and looked at her hands before answering.

"No, I don't. You are so young and haven't even seen the world yet, or met the love of your life!" She explained, putting her head in her hands. I blinked, a thought coming to mind.

"I've made my decision", I said sternly, "I want to go back."

She stood up, lifting her hands to the air. I frowned then stared in awe. Her eyes glowed a rich gold.

I mean't to say something but a crushing wind threw me down through the ground into darkness.

Five minutes later----

I searched to find a way to open my eyelids. I became anxious when I heard screaming, and a loud continuous beep.

It was annoying.

I still struggled to find my eyelids. I grew triumphant when I made them flutter open.

My lips moved to relieve people of stress when pads came down on my chest, carrying electric currents with it.

I heard a high pitch scream that hurt my ears but noticed it was me.

I screamed and screamed until they removed the torture device.

"Son... you okay?" A doctor, yelled rather loud into my ear.

I managed to nod, my eyes rolling around in my head. My body still jerked every once in awhile.

I gulped in deep breathes, gripping the sheets under me.

Calm, calm.

I heard someone crying and turned my head. My ears instantly cradled my head when I saw my Master'.

Would he hurt me again?

"CAMERON!" He wailed, picking me up and cuddling me to his chest. I gasped in surprise and pain. My throat and stomach burned. I tried to talked, my body refusing, and ended up in a coughing fit.

Master looked down at me with a worried expression. I used my hands, motioning him to posibly fetch me water. He nodded when he figured it out.

"Can I get some water here?" He asked. I saw a lady leave the room then emerge with a cup of water. She handed it to me carefully.

My hands shook so Master held the cup to my lips as I drank without taking a breath. The cold, wet feeling cooled my scorching throat enough for me to somewhat relax. I could inhale better too.

"M-Master. I want to go home.." I rasped, looking up at him.

He smiled relieved and nodded. He never let me go though he let them take me to take some test last minute so I could be released. When we exited the hospital, I felt my eyelids droop and knew I'd be out soon. Master must've known too because he kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He said with so much love it hurt my chest. I managed to smile sleepily before my eyes drifted shut. The last thing I was able to hear was a soft chuckle that made my heart skip a beat.

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