Developing a Love Story

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'Twas a dark night like any other...

Just kidding, but it was really a night like any other. Mother had gotten into an argument with the landlord, the apartment had been flipped upside down, and the monthly rent was already two months overdue. Being kicked out was the only plausible solution to the situation.

Kim Namjoo was already on the verge of going mad. Not adding to the list her 46-year-old mother who was just 12 years older than her acted no older than she herself, and she was only 28. Mad? Maybe a little crazy. From the time she was old enough to start drinking she'd been clubbing with her mother like she was her best friend. A little over the top?


Weird on so many other levels, because all Namjoo's friend's mothers were the responsible housewives who prepared the three meals a day and pampered their husbands as if they were babies. And Namjoo? Well, she didn't really have a father but perhaps 4 or 5 adoptive fathers who her mother kicked out of the house after every heated argument. Maybe she didn't really have a father then, but Namjoo still wanted to consider her mother's boyfriends fathers. Most of them were ok. She only had problems with one pervy dude. That didn't really last long, so that was no real problem.

Perhaps that also had to do with her sense of a lack of responsibility, because...she didn't have any responsibilities. That didn't mean Kim Namjoo took after her mother. And that didn't mean she abhorred her mother in any sense. The woman was frustrating to no point's end, but Namjoo didn't hate her. Of course if her mother didn't adult enough, the adulating was done by her. If the woman didn't tend to her dues, the dues came to Namjoo.

For the nth time that month Namjoo had spent every three hours of the day reminding her mother to spend less only to spend more. By the end of Friday they'd be booted out of the apartment and become homeless...well, hobos. It didn't seem like her mother cared at all. Too busy drinking, too caught up with males, too immersed in awful singing at the karaoke.

The last strand of patience that sent Namjoo keeling over the edge was she'd been fired from work. Not her fault though, at least she wouldn't consider it her fault. A customer had called her ugly, so she had attacked...maybe a little physically but mostly verbally. It wasn't her fault for defending herself, right? RIGHT? In any situation when she'd had enough dealing with crappy customers who wouldn't snap when called something horrible? Customer service was the worst industry to be in. For a normal person's fate like hers, where else would she find a job but in the damned customer service industry.

Anyway, she would be homeless after Friday and with no more paychecks coming in to save her own ass. Most ways, she was like her mother. In some ways, not. Tonight, she would take after her mother.

It was the usual club atmosphere. Stinky, wet floors and tabletops. Bodies crammed against one another and pounding music that made the ears explode. Her throat would be sore by the end of the night from screaming over the top of her lungs in order to be heard. That was how it was though, being in a nightclub that was. Kind of crazy, mostly fun. Most of all, it was the best way to forget reality for the night's hours. Here in a club no one cares about who you are, what you do for a living, how much money you make, or your morals or values. Here in a club, what matters is how one person enjoys theirselves.

Head shaking, head spinning, the world spun around her like she was the pit of the axis. Hands roved over her body, males danced behind her. Namjoo grooved with them like the wild she was made of. The worst possible traits inherited from her mother sent her curling into nightclubs like there was no tomorrow. She just didn't care about anyone but herself, she was shameless, and a horrible person within. When sober she liked to think she took after the father she never knew; she had a conscience. Her personas merged from time to time. Namjoo didn't really know herself.

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