New House New You

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I arosed from my bed hearing the birds chirping as the golden sphere rose in the sky. I was ready to face everyone in my new life. Ready to start my own. I looked at the boxes with labels all over them and forgot I had moved into this big beautiful house. I walked out my room to get ready for the day. I jumped in the shower and out I went to get dressed. I ran down the stairs and watched my mother cook her famous hash browns and eggs or so she says.

"Morning sweet cheeks."

"Morning Ma." I said plainly

I don't understand why she decided to just reappear 10 years later and think that it's okay to just move me from my real family and live with her because she wanted to spend time with me. I love her so much even though she hurt me when she left. I mean I still have to respect her because she's my mother and I'm her flesh and blood but there's a obstacle that's between us that doesn't make me fell completely safe with her.

"Honey I know that today is gonna be a fresh new start but I know you will do everything that you can to have a great time here."

I just smiled and her hugged her as she seated the food on the island in the kitchen. I jumped in my seat and started to tear the breakfast up. I finished in seconds and gulped down my water and grabbed my bag on the counter and was ready to go shopping for new furniture for my bedroom. I still haven't figured out wether to have a maroon color or a tan with a tint of brown but I guess I will figure it out in the car. My mother walked out the kitchen with her car keys in her hand as I followed her out the door and into her black 2015 Lincoln MKR. I hopped in the passenger seat and turned on the radio as she started the car.

"Ready?" She asked with a bright smile plastered on her face. The more I looked at it the more I realized I looked just like her. The only thing difference is that my hair is more of a light brown color because of my Italian/Black/Dominican genes and hers is a dark brown curly straight hair color. Everything else was her. The same hazel brown eyes, the same nose, the same face structure. Everything. I love her so much but just thinking about she has done me and my family wrong. I look like the person who caused pain in my family for 10 years. Then think she help us recover in days. After snapping out of my thoughts I finally answer her question.

"Ready as ever." I said in response as she drives away from her beautiful home. Well my home now I guess.

After hours of running around buying new clothes and furniture I told my mom that I would be walking around the neighborhood looking at houses and just wandering around town. I was walking down a park when I saw kids playing basketball and others playing tag. I passed an area that seemed to have a mall which caught my attention and I then walked into a little diner.

"Hi my name is Joselyn and I'm your waitress today how may I help you. What would u want to eat." The mocha skinned girl said as one of her curls bounced off her forehead escaping from her cap that said has diner's name on it.

"Um can I have a chicken sandwich and French fries with a glass of water extra ice." I finished also handing the menu back to her.

"Um sure I'll bring that right away."

After an 30 minutes of waiting I got really hungry but was satisfied when I saw the delicious food approach me along with the waiter.

I then frowned because my order was wrong.

"Um excuse me but that's not my order, I order a chicken sandwich with fries and a water not a burger. "

"Oh I'm sorry I-

"No it's fine if you can just switch the orders that would be- i was cut of by a man with a stripped shirt that had the diner logo guessing that he was the manager.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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